Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Root Chakra - daily reflections

The following daily reflections were published in October on the "Way to the Well" Facebook page.

October... cool days, cold rain, harvest, taking out the fleece from storage bins... Wonderful! Time to turn inward and think of our Harvest; our ancestral, cultural and spiritual roots; and how our metaphysical roots help nourish and support our whole person, especially in darker days. That will be our theme this month.

It's a cool rainy beautiful October day that makes me feel like cooking. The root chakra deals with safety and security issues, so the comfort foods we turn to as the weather cools down is a great way to start our "Roots" forum. Share your favourite root vegetable or comfort food recipe using the comment field. :)

Did you know? One of the main functions of the Root Chakra, or Muladhara, is to "ground" us, or "root" us to Earth. Like trees, we pull up Earth energy through our feet and legs which act as our "roots". These roots also help us release spent energy back to Earth where it is cleansed and recycled.

The traditional colour of the Root chakra is red. When you feel ungrounded or dizzy with your heads in the clouds, think of bringing in the colour red up from the Earth through your legs and through your body. Also send roots down from your legs and feet to the Earth. If you are often ungrounded, wear something red - clothing, jewelry, a crystal - to remind you to re-connect to Earth.

According to Gestalt therapy - practiced by trained psychologists - pains and unease in the legs are a physical manifestation of childhood issues and traumas. In Holographic Reiki, legs also store tribal, family and "roots" issues: physical, spiritual, cultural, intellectual - what made you who you are today in your belief and behavioural systems. So when you have pain in your legs, send love and forgiveness to events in your childhood, to your teachers, to your family tree.

Happy Thanksgiving Day! What better than a traditional family celebration to celebrate our roots - however big, small, reconstituted, chosen from friends, near or far away our family is; and however elaborate, commercialized, simple, or linked to harvest our tradition is.

Needing a boost to feel more grounded? Explore scents and essential oils. These are typically "earthy" scents that evoke in your mind your connection with earth and nature. Since "Summer rain on hot pavement" or "Falling leaves under the Ash tree" have not been bottled (lol), try the traditional Cedarwood, Patchouli or Myrrh.

The Root Chakra is about initiating new beginnings, life-force energy, connection to Earth and the material world and stability. According to yoga teachings, Root has an overall influence in your life between the ages of 0-7 and 50-56.

The sanskrit term for the Root Chakra, Muladhara, means "the support of the root", "the keeper of the beginning" or the "bearer of the foundation".

Affirmations to help balance negative manifestations linked to the Root chakra: I am safe and secure. All my basic needs are met. I rejoice in the power of life. I feel rejuvenated when I walk outdoors/in Nature.

One way to take care of your Root Chakra is to take care of your body. Take some time today for a relaxing bath. Slough off dead skin. Moisturize. Give yourself/book a pedicure!! :)

Honour your roots, honour your past, honour your predecessors. Here's a good Louise Hay quote to use as affirmation: "I bless the past with love, take a deep breath, and move gently into the new."

The Root Chakra is also about your core belief system. Do you feel threatened, overwhelmed or disempowered by others's beliefs, social or institutional norms? Do you strongly impose your views on others? Do you live and let live? Look within to see what greater balance can be achieved. Change what you can. Let go of what no longer serves you.

“The body at peace is stronger than the body at war. When you can free yourself of the random, uncontrollable stress that is always present, your body will start to be at peace.” Deepak Chopra

As the foundation of your sense of safety and security, your Root Charka is linked to your sense of confidence in who you are, and whom you trust.

Since the Root Chakra has an overall influence in your life between the ages of 0-7, these are formative years for your sense of self, of safety and of security. This is when you learn to trust the world around you. Do you see the world as a frightening place where people conspire against you, or do you generally trust life? What happened in your childhood to give you this sense? Where can you bring more balance? How are you contributing to the foundation of safety, security and trust in the children surrounding you?

Did you know the Root Chakra is associated with physical bliss and enjoyment of life? Well balanced, the Root Chakra will help manifest a joyful life and help raise your spirit. Kundalini energy will be activated and reach upward to your Crown. An overactive Root Chakra may manifest as anger, anxiety, fear, and/or an addiction to physical intercourse. While sexual activity is good for the body, being addicted to it prevents sustained soul growth. Kundalini energy will not reach upward if overactive in the lower chakra.

Consider the core issues of the Root Chakra (safety, security, connection to the Earth and physical world) in the context of well-being and physical appearance. Some people turn to food, sex, excessive physical exercise or bodily harm to give them a moment of feeling safe and in control of their bodies and emotions. Some people stop eating to prove to their minds that they are in control of at least their bodies. Some people develop constipation for retaining the fear in their bodies or explode in anger or may develop diarrhea for overly expressing the issues stored in this Chakra. Some people try all the diets around and can not loose weight, and develop cellulitis - they may still be holding on to past hurts. Now, balancing a chakra is not a magic pill that will make these symptoms disappear, but by exploring possible core issues, it will enhance the required inner work and healing each individual must do for him/herself.

Time for some stretching! The yoga poses that support a balanced Root chakra are Warrior 1, Triangle, and Eagle poses. Center and ground yourself with Mountain pose before and after your practice. Namaste! :)

Inhale, exhale. Fill your lungs completely, hold, then empty your lungs completely. Ah, what a beautiful Saturday. :) Enhance your breathing experience - and you exploration of the Root Chakra - with a few essential oils: cedar and pine are great cleansing scents. I mix a few drops in a pump bottle, add sea salt and spritz the air. They not only clean energy and help me breathe more deeply (because I really like the scent!) - these oils are also reputed to clear the air of cold and flu-causing viruses.

As most crystals come from deep in the Earth - except those who have arrived with a meteorite! - meditating with crystals can enhance our connection to Earth and balance our Root Chakra. Carnelian has a soft energy, while emerald is stronger. Garnet is very gentle and is good for children, and your Inner Child. Children love collecting rocks and crystals (and so did my Inner Child while in Brazil!); explore garnet's energy with your child, especially if your child has difficulty connecting to this plane - e.g. in the case of ADD or autism. Remember that, when working with crystals, you don't need a jewelry grade crystal. Uncut, unpolished crystals can work just as well. Your intention is what is most important.

All Hallow's Eve - the night when the veil between this world and other dimensions is very thin... Many cultures all over the world used to celebrate this night (or an other night typically in this season) to honour their ancestors. In keeping with the Root Chakra theme, say a small prayer to your forebears as you light up that lantern in your pumpkin tonight. After all, it was for them we used to leave treats so that they wouldn't trick us... ;)

Once the trick-or-treaters have looted all my treats, I will dedicate one hour of Reiki meditation/prayer in gratitude to all our cultural, spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical roots, and for the clearing of our Root Chakra for the highest intention and good of all. If you want to join in this healing intention, take a few deep breaths and set your receptive mode "on".

Who knows what healing message awaits you from the other side of the veil...

Somehow, when we look deep enough at our core, we realize that our root systems are all beautifully networked. Love, peace, and kindness to all. Sending beautiful healing blue light from the centre of Gaia to nourish your roots.

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