Sunday, September 29, 2013

A miraculous shift!

I experienced my first "tapping miracle" yesterday - woot woot!  I am delighting in the change in feelings and perspective this has brought.  I feel lighter, brighter, happier!

One year ago, I decided to leave my cushy government job to pursue my dream of working in the spiritual field full time. Needless to say in one year the earnings from my start-up business is only a tiny sliver of what I used to make for the government - which is a huge point of stress for my husband. He went on one of his verbal and non-verbal disapproval rampage yesterday, and I stood up for myself, telling him that I did not accept his behaviour and his words.  (Standing up for myself and setting boundaries is quite an achievement for me in and of itself!)

He left to run some errands and I retreated to my office for some huge tapping rounds. (Video here on how to tap.)  I tapped on how angry I felt, on how I don't want to be triggered by his behaviour anymore, on how sad and unsupported this whole situation made me feel, and I asked for divine help to rewire my thinking to keep focusing on the positive. I felt better. Not completely healed, but I had released the trigger in the moment, and some other underlying emotions.

The "miracle" is that when he came back from his errand, he apologized. I was very surprised since it's one of the first times he apologized and realized how much he was reacting like his own father. And it's one of the first times that I felt receptive to his apology and felt grateful for it. It felt genuine and uplifting. I'm new to tapping, but if it can make differences like this in my life, it's a practice I will stick to!!  

I can testify from experience now that when you change your energy, you have a ripple effect on the people around you.  It truly is up to us, in every moment, to choose the energy we want to contribute to any and all situations.  

And therefore, strong with this experience, I feel a bit more ready to return to work tomorrow knowing that I can change my energy and therefore transform the negative experienced that was into a healing and releasing experience for all involved.  

Would you like for me to share a script for tapping through anger and disappointment?  I would be happy to type it out and share it with you.

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