Monday, September 9, 2013

Asking for, and being open to receiving blessings

Reading: E-Squared by Pam Grout, Principle #1: The Dude Abides.

I am currently reading E-Squared and am committed to doing the suggested experiments. The first hypothesis is that there is a greater, all-loving force "out there" and that we can have conversations with this force of Love. Well, at least monologues on our part at first To test the hypothesis, the experimenter is to ask a blessing of this force, and ask that this blessing appears within 48 hours. This blessing would prove beyond doubt that this Force exists, hears us and works for our highest good.

Even prior to the experiment, I had no doubt at all that this force of Love does indeed exist. I feel it in my heart, in my entire being. And yet, it was good to receive several blessings these past 48 hours. My gifts were free tickets to see an amazing exhibition at Les Jardins Botaniques in Montréal, and I was also delighted to see the number of fans on my Facebook page grow to 101 - such an angelic number! According to Doreen Virtue, in her book "Angel Numbers 101", the number 101 means "As you let go and let God, your thoughts automatically become more positive, and this elevated vibration attracts all good things into your life." The number 101 also reminds me of the "101 Dalmatians" and the "dog communication chain" that author Pam Grout references in chapter 1 of E-Squared.

And then, there was quite the synchronicity this morning... As this is Grandparents' day, we decided to attend church with my parents this morning. Those of you who know me are aware that I have a big decision pending: returning to work for corporate world, or officially cut the ties and truly work on manifesting an even bigger version of my dream. The First Reading was about the need to cut all ties preventing you to follow Spirit, and the homily went into more details about following Spirit (I'm paraphrasing here, but you get the gist...). My mother thought the homily had been written for me...

So are these blessings enough from the fount of all Love, providing me the true guidance I so deeply desire? Do I need more proof that I am divinely guided, and that, if I follow my heart and the nudgings of my spirit, I will be okay??

Are you reading E-Squared? Please share your experience in the comments field below.

Many blessings of Love and Light to all!

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