Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Accept to flow with the loving energy of the Universe

Often times, when we feel insecure or fearful about our future, we use all our mental and emotional energy to ignore that unease, to deny our true feelings, or to camouflage the unease via bold actions. Living in a mental and emotional state of worry robs us from enjoying the present, the gifts of the moment, and all the joy and serenity that is available to us now. When we constantly construct, in our minds, possible scenarios about the future - and most of them where we are victim of circumstances or of others' emotional states of being - we disempower ourselves from creating the wonderful, joyful life experience we so desire.

It is one of today's greatest lessons to learn to embrace our vulnerabilities and our dependance on others. Many of us have been brought up with the ideal that "doing it all by myself" is the greatest accomplishment. We are brought up with a sense that it is absolutely necessary to control outcomes, to plan incessantly and to micromanage not only our life but also that of those around us.

Step back from your plans for just a moment, and breathe. Notice how your plans, schemes, and attitude of doing-it-alone actually brings more chaos in your life. Wouldn't you rather flow with the current of life rather than fighting, resisting and manipulating it because somehow, somewhere you made a plan for your life and you won't deviate from it, or you feel crushed if life brought you to a different place than what you were striving for?

All of life is dependant on the Love and Abundance of the Universe. Learn to reconnect to Source, and surrender your needs and worries. Be grateful for all you already have - things, relationships and life experiences that support you in your body, mind and spirit.

Acknowledge how your ego pulls you into a state of fear and worry in an attempt to make you believe that you are not connected to Source and therefore must exercise absolute control over people, pets and events in your life.

Choose whether you want to flow with Life and lift away stress, anxiety, fear and other low-vibrating energies, or if you prefer to stay in a state of worry and control.

Know that I can help support you as you transition from a belief system of fear and control, to a state of flow. Sending you much Love.

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