Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Forgiveness invites inner peace

As you continue to work raising your spiritual vibration, consider where your pride has caused you harm, and where it has caused harm to others. Are you harbouring ill feelings towards yourself or others out of self-defense or perceived self-righteousness? Do you carry regret for something you have said or done which you now judge as poor reaction? Are you visiting the same argument or situation for the hundredth time yet still not finding peaceful resolution in your heart?

When you do so, you block yourself from moving forward and growing. Set aside your pride and defenses, and acknowledge your mistakes. Yet, don't remain there paralyzed in self-defense or languishing in remorse. Ask yourself, "What is the lesson here?" and truly be open to the answer. Ask your Higher Self and your team of spiritual guides for help and support with this process as you apologize, ask forgiveness and make amends.  Ask yourself if a coach or Reiki practitioner could help you move through this murkiness.  (If I can be of help to you, it is now easy to purchase distance sessions via Paypal...)

If your pride or the sharpness of the hurt currently disable you from speaking directly to the person involved, practice the Ho'Oponopono and feel how this practice expands your heart and releases you from negative energies you - maybe unconsciously - are holding on to.

Finally, be ready to release the hurt once you've learned from the experience. Your karma will be complete. Don't dwell on it. Onward and forward to the next life lesson. ;)

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