Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Everyday Magic: Everyday Awareness and Intention

What a wonderful January thaw! Hard to believe we were in our woolies a few days ago, and now it's +15 degrees!! Breathe it in!!

You know, raising awareness and consciousness is about all the small choices you make everyday, and about mundane things to which you give meaning. So today, open the windows of your home, your car... and intend at the same time to open the windows of your heart. With each window you open, state that your heart is ready for freshness. Is there something you want to let go - viruses, staleness, bad feelings? As you stand in front of the open window, state that you are letting them go, and invite them to leave. Is there something you want to breeze into your life - joy, abundance, self-love, a new job? State what you are welcoming in with the new breeze. Expect miracles - they do exist.

I am sending love to you on the rays of the new sun and the breeze gently blowing through the trees. I am standing outside with my arms wide open, giving you a hug and the encouragement you need to keep going on your path. xo

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