Saturday, January 12, 2013

Follow your path with integrity

As you work on raising your spiritual vibration, evaluate whether you are following your instincts with integrity. Often times when we feel confused, sad, angry or depressed, it's because we are not engaging in projects or relationships that feel true to our inner calling. Doing so brings chaos and a downward spiral of negative energy in our lives.

Are you being lured by rewards and promises although your instincts tell you it's not in your highest good? Do you turn a blind eye to ethical lapses of your own or others? Do you disregard red flags of warning along the way? Do you consistently ignore your instincts and discredit your gut feelings? If you do, you are inviting trouble - and when invited trouble always shows up.

Call in peace and calm by staying true to your Higher Self. Reevaluate your priorities, daily activities and relationships of all kinds. Temper your enthusiasm for your superficial desires: nothing is worth pursuing if it compromises your integrity.

Remember: every choice and action has a consequence. It's a fundamental law of the Universe and you can not escape it however clever you think you are.

Before to committing to any decision, take some time to feel it in your body; your body is your basic psychic receptor and it will tell you, if you allow it to, whether or not you're heading in the right direction. Follow your path with integrity, and you will find inner peace.

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