Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Daily Reflection: Brow Chakra and Clairvoyance

As many of us are setting intentions for the new year and visualizing positive changes for our immediate or long-term future, what a great opportunity to embark on our exploration of the Brow Chakra!

The Brow Chakra, also referred to as the Third-Eye Chakra, is located between and slightly above the eyebrows.  It is only in the Western and New Age practices that this Chakra is linked to the psychic eye and clairvoyance; it is not so in the original Tantric system.  In all traditions, however, an open Brow Chakra is associated with going beyond the mind, beyond what we physically perceive in this world, beyond longings and desires, and with entering the realm of wisdom.

If this chakra is blocked, we may confuse knowledge/wisdom and information.  We may get carried away with the inner movie playing in our mind and assert it is knowledge instead of bits of information.  We may put too much power into psychic sight.  I have seen this happen countless times in Reiki shares with novice practitioners who have only just discovered their gift of clairvoyance.  They focus so much on what they see and on the symbols revealed to them that they forget to relay these for the highest good and healing of the patients.  This can leave the patient distraught and confused.  (I feel I need to add that these novice practitioners do not do this out of malice, just out of amazement and gratitude for the new gift.  They just need to learn to work with this gift a bit more and include the patient's perspective before practicing elsewhere than in student circles.)

As Reiki practitioners, we must remember that all information received through all channels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual - must be used for healing and for the highest good of all involved.   You must practice, practice, practice and be confident in your gift of Sight.  You must learn to trust you inner guidance - so many of us have learned to distrust it in this Western world.

Note that the location of the Brow Chakra is the middle of the forehead.  This location is a prime reminder to integrate our left and right brain; our intuition and our logic; our gut-feelings and information from the physical world; what we see and what we perceive.

Clairvoyance is not just a gift - it is a practice.  It is a discipline.  It is wonderful when we learn to trust it, to direct its energies, and to use it for the Highest Good.

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