Saturday, January 14, 2012

Brow Chakra: A letter from your Higher Self

Dear beloved,

Just for a moment, just for today, take a deep breath in and as you exhale release all that tension you are carrying in your forehead; in your temples; in your jaw....  Just for a moment, just for today, listen to what I have to say.

Your head may feel like it's about to explode.  Your jaw is so tense and your teeth are grinding.  Your shoulders have just about reached your ears under this internal tension.  Your stomach is tight and in a knot and you find it difficult to nourish yourself in a healthy way.  You may think that the world is against you; that the Universe is conspiring against you or testing you by sending you trial after trial.  Just for a moment, just for today: consider this...

The world is not against you; it is because you are listening to your ego's negative self talk that you have developed this false belief.  It is because of this self-talk that your self-esteen and self-love have swirled downward.  Because you have spiralled downward, ego is blaming others for your fall; it is projecting your lacks unto others in the physical and spirit worlds; it is this feeling of lack that you perceive coming from outside of you while it is you who are projecting it...

The world is not competing to steal away your happiness and your prosperity.  There is enough happiness and true prosperity for every living soul on this planet.  Competition brings the false assumption of lack - for you are the one desiring someone else's good, someone else's happiness, someone else's life.  You thinks that more possessions will bring you more happiness.  Let that go; look at all the good you have already.  Be grateful.  Learn to live your own life, and not someone else's idea of a life for you.  Remember: what is truly yours can never be taken away, and material possessions are only fleeting and can't be taken with you after you transition to Spirit form.  Happiness and true prosperity feed on the attitude of gratitude.

Others are not overly critical of you.  It is you who are overly critical of yourself, and are then projecting these criticisms as coming from others.  Why are you afraid of being judged by others, when you are the one doing the judging of others according to the high, unnatural standards your ego has set?  When you are the one judging yourself by comparing yourself to others and secretly competing with them according to false standards?  Develop compassion for yourself; and you will receive compassion tenfold.

You are deserving of beauty, health, happy relationships and prosperity.  When you repeat statements in your ego's mind such as "I'm not good enough, I'm not smart enough, I'm not pretty enough..."  Know that these are judgements you make about yourself; those are the vibrations you are activating within yourself.  Those are the vibrations others will respond to, because you are putting them out there.  And because others are responding to these vibrations, your ego reacts with more fear, anxiety, anger...  furthering you into your downward spiral.

Dear beloved, look at how tightly ego has woven around your Spirit.  You feel the world is empty, you feel life is mechanical, you feel sad and depressed...  My dear: you are loved!  You are cherished!  You are strong, beautiful, full of talents!  You are deserving of life's sweet nectar right here, right now, on this plane!  Open yourself to this reality, from the inside out!

Just for a moment, just for today, look at yourself from a Higher perspective.  Take a deep breath, and release ego's grip.  Visualize a constrictor snake slowly releasing its hold on you; let it fall away, loop after loop.  Or visualize a fist holding you tightly - where is this fist; around your heart?  Your solar plexus?  Your throat or head?  Will it to release its grip, one finger at a time.

Dear beloved, this is the reality I want you to see for yourself:  you are free.  You can soar with the eagles.  You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are.  Take off the blinders of ego with which you see yourself and others.  Let go of that skewed perspective on life.  Allow yourself to shine!

Allow this new realization sink down to the marrow of your bones; to the centre of each chakra.  It's not enough to know this in your head; feel it in the fibre of your soul!  Realize that all along when you have been fighting the current, fighting the world around you - the real battle was between ego and Spirit.  Take responsibility for all your thoughts; for all your actions.  From this point on, realize that you have the choice to respond to life's cycles with a Higher Perspective.  You can choose to respond with love, or react with fear, anxiety and anger.  The choice is for you to make.  Every moment.  Every day.

Remember that I love you and that I constantly work on your behalf to channel divine love and intervention into your life.  Will you allow me to continue this work?  Will you allow me to guide you to your highest path, your highest destiny, for your highest good?  Or will you continue to believe that the world will fall apart if you change one bit; if you leave that dead-end job or that stagnant relationship?  The world will NOT fall apart.  Your ego's world perhaps, but not that of Spirit.

Dearly beloved, some of the words I have written may sound harsh - your ego would want you to believe that.  Your ego would want you now to crumble within yourself in self-pity and self-loathing for allowing this perception of life for so many years.  Don't fall prey to that trap.  Take responsibility for your thoughts and actions; bless your mess with compassion and love; and resolve to start over, from this moment on.  I am here to guide you and help you.

Here are affirmations to start anchoring this new perception in your physical and emotional bodies:

  • I am completely loveable.  I am Love, and I radiate Love.
  • I am compassionate towards myself, and I radiate Compassion.
  • I make peacefulness my highest priority, and I radiate calm and peace.
  • My mind is at peace, for I know all is good in my world.
  • I am divinely supported and guided every moment of every day.
  • I forgive myself.  I draw lessons from all my life's events and I am stronger, more loving and more compassionate for learning these lessons.
I love you, and I celebrate all your efforts to better align your Spirit with the beautiful divine plan available to you.  There are many blessings on your journey, and I offer these to you with the gratitude of an open heart. 

Truly Yours, with Love and Light for your Highest Good,

Higher Self.

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