Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Daily Reflection: Sacral Chakra - creativity

In December, we will be exploring our creativity centre, the Sacral Chakra.  It's a good time to take stock of where we've been, where we are now, and where we want to go: as we explore our creativity centre, we can reflect on how we want to create our present and our future.

In past months, we have worked on our Heart Chakra and opened ourselves to Love's guidance, with gratitude.  Then we have worked on the Root Chakra to help us stay grounded in the here and now and remain linked to Earth's creative energies.  Last month, we have worked on the Crown Chakra to open our communication line with the Divine.

This month is time put everything together in our creative womb to see what beauty and wonder we will create for ourselves, others and the world.  What "wonder-full" holiday gift will you create for yourself by the end of the month?

My postings may be less frequent this month, as I am in the midst of examining my creations of the past years and re-focusing my energies on what I really want to keep and create in the years to come.  And although I teach about the beauty and inevitability of change, I must admit that change can be difficult to deal with, especially when the ego loves the status quo and the comfort of "the devil you know"...  I'm sure I will be learning lots in this transition period so that I may be better able to coach others through their life transitions as well.

I invite you to visit my Facebook page (Way to the Well): I often share interesting links on that page which I do not link in this blog.  It's just an other way to stay connected through this transition.

As always, my thoughts of divine Love and Light are with you.  :)

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