Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Creativity and Stress: The OSM

As many spiritual authors tell us, we are here in this plane to co-create our reality.  We are meant to be conscious of our thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions.  We are meant to experience all we can in the physical realm to assist in our soul's growth.  When we are conscious of all these things, we are actively co-creating our life experience according to our soul's plan.

But sometimes, frankly, all this co-creation can be stressful and overwhelming.

There are things I have put in motion years ago that are now bearing fruit.  There are things I have wished for that are manifesting in a different way than what I had imagined.  The energy around me is buzzing, buzzing, buzzing with activity.  Add to the mix the creativity of the holiday season - creating an ambiance, creating gifts, creating expectations and responding to expectations, creating invitations.  Dust all that with the creativity of starting a new business, and acting on plans to leave the cushy yet dissatisfying day job.  Bake for a few weeks as you meditate on the Sacral Chakra and its links to creativity and stress...  and oh my goodness I didn't know I was baking in the pressure cooker!  Better take a breather and slowly release the pressure valve!!

Stress can be a strong vehicle for pushing us into action in our life's direction.  It is natural, and even necessary, when we step out of our comfort zone, as it helps us "fight" for and adapt to our newly co-created reality.  

I received training recently for my new business where the speaker talked of the OSM (Oh Sh*t Moment) -- that moment where you started your ride in the roller coaster and you wonder what you were thinking, and then WHHEEEEEE!  You let go, ride like a pro and realize it was fun.  And you would do it all over again.

At the moment, it is my stomach that is doing the loop-dee-loop.  As long as I remember to breathe down to my navel and let go of my grip on the handlebar, everything will work out just fine.  I know all this change is for my greatest good.  I am enjoying the ride.  I am finding the OM in my OSM.  

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