Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year - Out with the old, in with the new... energies, that is!

Out with the old, in with the new...

As we wrap-up our exploration of the Sacral Chakra, take a moment to think of the old patterns that stop you from fully expressing your passion, your creativity, your true relationships with yourself, others, God/Source/Universe, the animal kingdom, fairies and angels...

Where is the pain, anger, bitterness, resentment, frustration that block your true expression?  What are the roots of these emotions?  How are they expressed against your greatest good?  Write what blocks you on pieces of paper, old leaves or even kindling or a log if you feel it's a big block.  Make a big new year's eve bonfire, and release the symbols of your blocks in the flames.  As you watch the fire, consciously intend to let go of the stagnant emotion(s) or block(s) and replace the space it occupied within you with the warm, friendly, fiery glow of the fire and universal Love.

May your passion and the beauty of your true self ignite and shine in 2012!

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