Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Daily Reflection: Sacral Chakra. Stress and Breathing.

The glands associated with the Sacral Chakra are the adrenals, associated with our response to stress and ancient "flight or fight" conditioning.  When stress, fear, anger are constant in your life, your normal hormonal secretions become unbalanced and physical illness occur - just think of all the illnesses associated with chronic stress.

Are you feeling stress this holiday season?  Remember to breathe deeply; when stressed, our breathing tends to be superficial and from the upper chest only.  It help me to place my hands on my belly, and drawing air in slowly, concentrating on moving air to my navel.

Beginner meditation practice teaches to inhale slowly, counting to 4, then hold your breath for a count of 4 before exhaling for a count of 4.  Counting keeps our mind busy and off the daily to-do-list.


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