Wednesday, March 27, 2013

To soar, free yourself from the past

If you find it difficult to soar and be happy now, you're likely holding on to the chains of past hurts. If you feel your intuition is blocked, or your abundance unreachable, there's likely an event in your past that needs forgiving.

To flow with Spirit's spontaneity, free your attention and energy from the past. Forgive those who have hurt you. Let go of resentment and old anger. Allow for divine justice to be done in divine time instead of brooding feelings of unfairness and revenge. All these emotions and thoughts weigh you down with their dense, low-rate vibrations. As long as you remain psychically attached to them, you will never reach your heart's desires.

Restore your vitality and awareness of higher vibrations. Visualize every chain holding you back and disintegrate them with forgiveness, compassion and Love. Experience the blessings of today. Acknowledge the gift or the lesson you've learned from your hurts. Free all that energy that's holding you to the past, and invest in today. Create something good today.

With a lighter heart, you will become better able to hear and follow Spirit's loving guidance. You will find inner peace and calm.

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