Thursday, March 21, 2013

An increased awareness of your surroundings is key to intuitive living

Do you wish you could develop your intuition or your psychic abilities but you think it's a gift reserved for the select few? Or are you living with the negative belief that being intuitive makes you weird, spooky or out of touch with the real world?

Step out of your fear for a moment. Take a good look a the top business leaders, the top performers, and the people you look up to. You'll soon find out that the secret is that they trust their vibes, and that these vibes are more often than not rooted in a strong awareness of their milieu, of their strengths, and of when to ask for help.

Business leaders keep their fingers on the pulse of the markets and on that of their customers; performers scan the world for inspiration adding multicultural vibes to their repertoire that resonate with current or upcoming trends; parents truly listen to the needs of their child and respond to emotional, physical and mental cues that are right for their child in the moment, regardless of what "the book" says; farmers keep their focus on the weather and combine old knowledge with new technology to predict what crop will grow best in the current and upcoming conditions.

There's nothing supernatural about that, and you can do it too! If you're unsure how, seek a mentor. Find the resources you need to gain more knowledge and raise your awareness of the world around you. And then close the books and check in with your gut feelings. It's simple.

You are a star. You are intuitive. Shine on!

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