Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Schedule "ME" time to set the stage for manifesting your heart's desires

It's the first day of Spring! Happy Equinox!

This day, we are invited to bring more Light and Love into our lives, and to meditate on what makes us happy. We also need to realize that, although thoughts are powerful and carry a lot of energy, simply thinking about what makes us happy is not enough. Every day, we have to move towards our happiness from the inside out. Each day, we have to schedule time for ourselves, take care of ourselves and replenish our cup of plenty.

Every day, we are tugged by conflicting priorities. There are so many outside influences, fears and beliefs tugging the strings of our heart and demanding our attention. We wait until we've answered all their demands before allowing ourselves time to devote to our dreams and aspirations. Most days, it feels like there's just not enough time...

The days are getting longer now. It's time to realize that you're in charge of your own schedule. You are the one responsible for bringing your light to the world and for the way you schedule your days.

On this day, the Universe asks you, with the help of your fairy helpers, to take charge of your schedule. Meditate on your heart's desires, and write down five priorities in your life. Translate these priorities in activities, and write these down in your scheduler so that you remember (or make yourself!) spend time engaged in the activities that lift your heart. Invest time and energy in what makes you happy and fulfilled. These activities need not be complicated: I take time to meditate and enjoy the moment with my morning cup of coffee; I spend a few minutes in gratitude for Nature and her gifts as I gaze outside my window, taking a short break from the computer; I take time to write. It's not how big the activity or how long it takes that is important. It's that you take time for you and your dreams every day that's primordial. Even 5 minutes every day can uplift your heart and raise your energetic vibration.

Remember: you are worthy of spending time on YOU. You are completely loveable and perfect the way you are now, in this moment. You deserve the life your heart desires.

Also remember: life doesn't just happen "to" you. You are in a co-creative relationship with Universe. What you create with your thoughts and actions, the Universe responds with manifestations. You have an active role to play in the creation of your life, and in attracting your heart's desires. So, what are you attracting? Do you want more of the same?

Now, commit to yourself and schedule YOU time in your activities! I'm sending you loving energy to support you in your journey!

Here's an affirmation from Doreen Virtue's Healing With The Fairies card Follow Your Dreams to support this practice: "I deserve the best. I take charge of my schedule and my life."

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