Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Take the down-time challenge!

Our guidance for today is to schedule down time! To live a life tuned in to our highest good and our intuition, it is essential to step out of the hustle and bustle of the world every once in a while. It refreshes the body, mind and spirit and also clears you of psychic debris you picked up along the day.

Your day is likely very busy with chores, family obligations, work, meetings, projects... just piling up... and you feel like there is not enough hours in the day to do what is on your ever-expanding to-do list. Add this one at the TOP of your list: the down-time challenge! Take a 15-minute breather morning and afternoon. It will afford you the inner space you need to refuel your soul and check in with your more subtle vibrations.

When you go for coffee break today, take some time to sit down - or stretch in the sun - and savour the moment. Take a long inhale of the aroma of your beverage of choice and allow for that aroma to connect you with a sense of inner peace. Watch the world go by for a few minutes. Feel your shoulders relax. Be aware of the quality of your breath.

Your ego will likely fight you over this... It doesn't approve of downtime because when you relax it has to relinquish control and it despises that. It wants to run your life through fear and anxiety, keeping things in your head.

Your spirit knows that sometimes the most powerful thing you can do for you is nothing. So allow yourself to step out of the fear-based treadmill even for just a few minutes. Reconnect to the peace of Universal flow.

You deserve this. Your spirit needs it. Your feelings of wellness and happiness depend on it.

Will you take the down time challenge?

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