Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Life is a classroom; choose to learn its lessons

Are you being overly critical about yourself and your past? Do you think that no matter what you do and how hard you try it's still not good enough or you're still not doing well enough?

Dwelling on your past, especially on past mistakes, is like putting your brain and emotions into detention. Re-telling yourself the stories of your past failures and using these as excuses for not experiencing success today is placing you in a jail of your own making. By stagnating in this negative energy you are allowing your ego to sabotage your current opportunities for joy, love, success and financial abundance. It doesn't serve your soul's growth or the highest good in any way.

Remember that you are a spirit having a physical experience. Remember that our experience on Earth is about learning and feeling. In this light, know that no matter what unfolds in your life - your classroom - you are discovering exactly what you need to learn according to your soul's purpose and mission, and in divine timing. Of course you make mistakes, we all do; that's how we learn and grow.

As difficult as your situation is now, look for the lesson. Realize that once you get the lesson, the chaos will go away. Find the humour in your situation. Remember that you are whole, and that you are connected to Spirit; it's your negative beliefs and mental patterns that trick you into believing you are less than perfect or are disconnected from Source.

You have a choice: to remain in stagnant negative energy, or to look for the lesson, acknowledge it, grow and move on. Feel how empowering it is to know you have a choice, rather than playing the infinite victim of your circumstances.

Remember that often outlooks are very bleak before a spiritual breakthrough. If you have difficulty seeing the lesson, seek help from your divine team and from a qualified life coach: this person could be a teacher, a psychologist/therapist, a Reiki practitioner, a priest/pastor/minister, an elder... Ask for help from your divine team, and notice who is put on your path to help you back into learning mode and away from self-loathing mode...

(and of course I am available to coach you, and I would be delighted to be able to help you to see your Higher purpose. Sessions are available in person and by phone.)

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