Monday, April 8, 2013

Reiki and Energy Work for a broken bone - week 2

I finished experiencing my second week with a cast for my broken wrist - and the healing continues!

Previous blog entries on this topic:

I have collected several signatures and drawings, each very precious to me.  I imagine each one wrapping my cast and my arm with love and healing intentions - especially all the smiley faces, hearts and sunshines!

With the community of wonderful people sending me healing thoughts and Reiki vibes, I believe the healing has really sped up this week.  The swelling in my fingers is completely gone, the pain is almost non existent, and everyday I have gained more flexibility and strength - although still very restricted by the cast.  Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude to each of you supporting me with your well wishes and healing vibes!

I am enjoying this healing process and all it entails.  I am gaining insights in so many life lessons!  We were celebrating a birthday last weekend.  I was a bit overwhelmed with the to-do list, and then I learned how wonderful it is to ask for help and how happy people are to help.  So many people need a task to feel useful and satisfied, even when they're guests at a party.  I will certainly keep this in mind for the next gathering!  Some of my younger nephews were somewhat taken aback by my cast and this situation has been a good teaching experience about the body's ability to heal, and about moving through one's fear and apprehension of someone with a visible injury.  And this lesson also applies to many adults whose first reaction to seeing my cast is one of almost recoil, as if they are imagining the pain instead of the healing - this gives me insight into our society's psyche and our emotional focus, in general...  Why do so many choose to see the pain and suffering and feed that with fear,  instead of discovering the silver lining or hidden gifts?  There is material for meditation and transmutation here, but the words are not quite formed in my head yet to express the concept - more information to "download" and thoughts to cogitate!

This past week, I have celebrated many gains, from being able to pull open a drawer or cupboard with my injured hand, to holding a pencil for a few clumsy entries on my grocery list and sudoku puzzles, to being able to type with almost two hands - the left hand at its proper place on the keyboard and my right middle finger doing all the work for my right hand.  My typing is more coordinated and quicker than during week 1, and I am aware and appreciate the typing skills I have learned since high school now that I don't have access to my full range.  I am being patient with myself and my recovery.  Although I am somewhat less patient in some dreams I've had:  I dreamt a few times that I was able to slip out of my cast to either prepare a meal, or to shower and wash my hair without covering my arm with a plastic bag, and shampooing with two hands - ah the luxury of a good lather!!

And so overall the lessons for week 2 have been to celebrate the small victories and milestones towards a full healing and recovery.  It is more and more apparent that attitude plays a great role in the healing process - and it's not only the patient's attitude but also that of the community.  The more we can create a positive attitude within ourselves, and the more we can nurture a positive attitude in our community, the better we are at having a positive impact in healing our our own body-mind-spirit and in raising global consciousness.

Blessings of Love and Light to all, and thank you for all your well wishes; I feel the Love! :)



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