Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Relationships Grow Your Soul

It takes a lot of inner strength, work and courage to develop ourselves and grow as a person. It takes practice to hear and most importantly, listen to our inner guidance and voice which lovingly nudges us along our soul journey.

As we advance, we often feel alone. We also feel that the people and surroundings we are used to have stopped resonating with our inner self, with who we are becoming. If you are starting to feel as though you're wasting too much time with people who don't understand you, or that what you hold dear isn't understood or respected by the ones around you, it's likely an indication of your growth.

This doesn't mean that there's something wrong with you - or with others, for that matter. It's just that your spirit is starting to claim its own individuality and your personal vibration is testing the bonds of all present associations. Allow for endings and new beginnings; it's a natural part of the growth cycle. Remain respectful of others and their choices especially if your paths diverge and remember to continue to be led by spirit, and not a new level or manifestation of ego (i.e. I'm better than you because I'm more spiritually evolved type of conversation...)

Today, recognize the importance of others in advancing your soul. Give time and energy to those who demand your highest integrity and truth. Move away from those people and situations that pull you away from the most honest, best and authentic expression of yourself.

You might have to temporarily stand alone. Yet, know and have faith that you'll find the people who vibrate at your new level when you commit to that level of vibration yourself. All is well.

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