Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Envision, feel and manifest your highest dream

You are an instrument of Divine creativity. You are being called upon to live up to your true heritage, to manifest your divine self and your soul purpose now.

Fully claim your unlimited potential by directing your thoughts and emotions on your highest dreams. Imagine the best life for you, one of love, positive life-affirmation, service to the highest good, and faith. Breathe it in and truly feel it as it were happening now. By feeling it now and being grateful in the now, you will allow Universe to set synchronous events for you that will be stepping stones toward your dreams.

Call upon tiger energy to help you come out of the jungle of distractions and to fully commit to your vision. Pounce on your dream; it is within your reach but you have to go for it.

Separate yourself from the unconscious masses, and energetically claim and express your divinity. Raise your vibrations and expect the best, positive outcome. By being fully yourself, following your dreams and risking your way out of your comfort zone, you energetically help raise others' vibrations.

Fully be yourself. Fulfill your dreams. Own it. You deserve it. The world needs it.


I received a comment in reaction to this post: someone asked, with a *smirk*, "yeah, well, how much energy is this going to take?"  This person, I assume, is feeling energetically drained by current life circumstances.  Here is my answer:

Energy directed to your Highest and best dream and potential is energy well invested - and instead of draining you, it uplifts you. It's one way to tell if you're investing your energy in the right direction for you at the moment - how uplifted do you feel? It's the struggle of going against the current of your inner wisdom that is bitteringly draining... When you cut the cords to what drains you, your balloon can fly to its highest and furthest horizon...

In other words, when you dream of your life and what you want to do, how do you feel?  Ask your body and your mind and expect an answer not through words, but through feeling... and not the superficial "I should feel this way" feeling, but a real deep gut-feeling.  Your body is a wonderful intuitive receptor, and we must learn to listen to its energy levels as it can guide us in our everyday decisions.  Learn that when you feel drained and overwhelmed, you are most probably reacting out of the ego perspective and away from your soul purpose.  When you feel uplifted, light and creative, you are responding from a higher self perspective toward your soul purpose.

Everyday, you are empowered to choose to between thoughts and actions that uplift you, and those that drain you.  Learn from each decision, and grow.  There's no right or wrong, especially if you view it from your Higher Self and learn lessons which will ultimately grow your soul.

...but just imagine for a moment if we all chose to swim with the current of Life instead of fighting it.  Wouldn't the planetary vibration be at a higher frequency?  But then again, so many of us need to learn how it feels to go against the current until we're so exhausted we have no choice but to surrender to Universe, let go of our fight and let Life take us in her divine current.  What will it be for you:  fight against a category 5 white water rapid and be caught again and again loosing your breath in the raging waters, or turn your boat facing down the river and strategize (while contemplating the river from a higher perspective) how you'll get through the rapid?

Am I using too many allegories?  <g>  Bottom line is, in everyday life situations you can choose your response.  Will you react out of anger, shame, discontent or mentality of lack or will you choose to respond with a higher good in mind?  Will you add to the conflict, or will you help neutralize it?  We all have these choices to make, everyday, from the food we eat, to how we treat ourselves, our family, our pets, to how we respond to marketing ploys or political pushes and pulls.

May we always be guided by our Inner Light.

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