Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Being receptive is key

The Universe and myriad spirit helpers are always available to assist you, but you must cultivate a receptive state of being - in your mind, emotions and body. You must be sincere when you ask for guidance, and accept that the answers provided don't always agree with your pre-conceived plans, notions or calendar.

Are you prepared to listen to Higher Direction even if it means a change for you? Or do you ask for guidance whether through prayer, meditation or psychic/mediumship until you hear the answer you want? Do you expect Universe to do things your way and and refuse to receive help or guidance when it's different than your expectations? If so, you are wasting precious time and energy.

Release all your preconceived notions, beliefs and attitudes about how things should work out and let Universe show you a new way. Trust that Spirit has a better plan for you than what you can ever imagine. Get out of your own way so that Higher Wisdom can guide your life - you will be pleasantly surprised.

As a great Master said, your heart must be like that of a child - full of dreams, faith, hopes and trust that the best is yet to come.  Cultivate this state of being, and you will gain access to the wisdom and joy of Love everlasting.

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