Monday, November 12, 2012

Today, take time to relax and reconnect with yourself

Today, take time to relax and reconnect with your Spirit. Here's my cat Pompon as inspiration ;)

Do you feel that you are still tired after a full night's sleep, and remain tired no matter how long you rest. Do you find yourself saying, "I'm tired of this" about some areas of your life, and really mean it? Your exhaustion could be psychic, as in not being connected to your higher purpose. When you struggle with the world of drama, it taxes your brain and your body, which leaves you feeling worn out. If you keep this up, and if you repress your anger and frustration see the red flag: depression.

So today, take at least five minutes to step away from what drains you. Retreat into silence and meditate. Ask to be connected to your higher self and soul purpose. Pray for the courage to fully commit to your path, in incremental steps.

Taking time away from the drama will strengthen your resolve and your ability to recognize and neutralize your ego's drive to seduce you away from your divinity. The more quiet time you spend, the more energy you will regain. You will feel more grounded, calm and open to your instincts.

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