Monday, February 20, 2012

Sacral Chakra Imbalances: Diabetes and Soured Perceptions

One of the reasons why the Sacral Chakra is associated with diabetes and hyper- & hypo-glycemia is because this chakra directs its energy to the islets of Langerhans located in the pancreas.  This endocrine gland produces insulin which lowers high blood-sugar levels, and also glucagons to raise low blood sugar.  The energy of this chakra must be properly balanced to ensure optimal function of the gland.

Also high stress, anxiety and fear prevent us from fully "tasting the sweetness of life" - the spiritual and emotional manifestations of an imbalance in this chakra.  We may have soured relationships, a soured perception of life or areas of our life or if we don't heal this situation on the spiritual and emotional levels we may suffer from chronic sour stomach.

Take a few moments today to assess your levels of stress, and most importantly the sources of stress in your life.  Remember to breathe, relax, and make a plan to either remove yourself from this source of stress or to heal your perceptions so that what triggers stress is no longer stressful to you.

Take great care of yourself.  You are worth it.

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