Monday, February 27, 2012

Is your soul a violin?

Imagine yourself as a violin.  You are in complete bliss, in harmony with your surroundings.  You are wonderfully attuned and in tune with your environment, from a knowledge coming from within and under the loving guidance of the Conductor.  You are not really aware of where you finish, and where others begin.  You are one with music.  In fact, there is only one blissful Harmony although it is composed of several parts and several instruments.  The music coming from you, flowing through you and surrounding you is simply complete bliss.

Savour this moment.

This bliss is akin to the time in-between, where our souls are one with the Divine before incarnating matter.

Once born, you remember the heavenly music and are still attuned to bliss.  Then, social standards and pressures settle around you and can throw you off pitch.  Life lessons in the form of contrasts can pinch cords and make them brittle or break.  You forget how to tune in to Divine melody.  You may forget you were even part of a divine orchestra.  You feel yourself as an individual with clear boundaries, separate from others.  You feel yourself hollow, now that you've stopped resonating with divine inspiration.  Once in a while, a few notes resonate as an outside factor vibrate your remaining cords and deep within you resonates a knowingness, a deep memory of something blissful but you believe it's out of reach.  You believe you are not good enough for blissful melody - and you barely believe that such a melody exists.

But in the still of the night; or on a sunny day as you take a stroll outside; or as you pick up your paintbrushes, your knitting, your reading, your gardening tools, your model car project...  you feel it again.  You FEEL again.  You feel that vibration filling you with a type of joyful contentment that seems out of this world.  You are remembering how to tune in to the divine melody.

This deep knowing has a message for you: that it is your life's mission to reproduce your divine vibration and reproduce divine bliss here on Earth, despite this denser material form clouding your vision of the divine orchestra.

You may believe you are alone, cut away from your spiritual group.  Truth is, you remain - and have always been - an instrumental part of divine manifestation.  You are important.  It's just that you had to learn a new role, or gain more experience to deepen your rendition.  Just close your eyes, breathe deeply and invoke the Muses - you'll soon feel the vibrations of Love and Harmony.

As you re-awaken to your spiritual self, maybe you'll seek help.  You will find guides on your path, in all shapes and forms.  If you allow me, I can be one of your guides, helping you remember how to attune yourself to divine frequencies.  I will help you remember your own talents and your part in this divine orchestra.  I will help you in your repetitions and practice exercises.  I will help you shift your frequency to a higher level.

The process isn't necessarily easy.  After all, old cords must be cut.  The etheric body may need patching or purging of negative elements.  Familiar tightness must be released and not held on to.  Spiritual muscles must be exercised until well toned.

And then, my dear, you will play music with the angels here in this plane.  You will trust the divine conductor to strike the right cords at the right time for the divine symphony to resonate in harmony with all of creation.  The world will be a better place because you have learned to anchor divine bliss in this human experience.

Blessed be.

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