The year of the Black Water Snake has just begun, according to the Chinese zodiac and traditions. Snake is a powerful animal totem and generally signifies transformation and changes. With the water element, we are advised to be meticulous this year, and to advance with caution. Yet, some areas will know great advancement and changes - and especially if you are meticulous in your research before jumping on a new idea or venture.
Meditate on the snake for a few minutes. What images and feelings are evoked?
Jaz, September 2009 |
Still, meeting one in the wild is a very different experience, especially when you don't know the species and that its sudden thrust toward you brings you out from a meditative state! Such was my experience when I visited the Casa de Dom Inacio, in Brazil, in August 2011. I was at the sacred waterfall, which was powerfully moving energy in and around my body, especially in my heart.
The month of August is mid-winter in Brazil, and there is not a lot of water in the mountains. The vegetation is very dry. The waterfall was more than a trickle, but not much wider than 60cm. Coming from Canada, I felt it was really warm, around 29 degrees - but for the local people and animals, it was chilly. (Some local people were wearing winter coats and mitts in the cooler mornings!) Animals too were seeking to soak in the sun during the day to fend off the cooler nights.
As I was showering and meditating under the Sacred Waterfall, I was dialoguing with Isis and Osiris, visualizing the snake of old which they often wear as a symbol on their crowns. I knew the snake is a totem of healing, medicine, power and transformation. I was asking to be relieved of fears and anger so that I could become a clear channel for the divine. Water was splashing from my shoulders to the surrounding rocks. I opened my eyes for a moment, seeking to adjust my body position and keep my balance.
I froze. Right at my eye level, there was a yellow snake, same colour as the dried grass. It was coiled up like a cobra (but it was much smaller). It hissed and lunged at me! Twice! Then I realized that the water cleansing by body and aura was splashing its sun spot. And I realized the irony that I was very fearful and panicked, although I was just praying to clear fear from my system. I also realized in that split moment that I had stopped breathing. And so I focused on my breath as I stared down the snake, thanking it for its visit during my meditation and lending me its totem energy... meanwhile strategizing on how I was going to make my way out of the sacred space without going near the snake - the path is very narrow and slippery with algae.
With a quick prayer to keep my balance and not slip on the rocks, I made my quick escape. The snake lunged when I came close, but then turned around and slithered away. We both left the sacred site at the same time.
Phew! I had even more to meditate on that night! My encounter with the snake was very powerful, on many levels.
And so I wonder, with the year of the Water Snake now upon us, what gifts of insight will I receive? What fears will manifest so that I may release them? What roles will my physical, emotional and spiritual awareness play? What transformation will occur? Will I coil up cobra-like and lunge at what/who is bothering me, at what/who I perceive as danger, or will I calmly and regally slither away to find a new spot in the sun? Snake totem can be a powerful teacher.
Many blessings of Love and Light to all. Enjoy the wonderful journey of your life! :)
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