Monday, April 18, 2011

Practicing what I teach: the Experiment

In the Summer of 2009, author Josie RavenWing had contacted me via Facebook.  We chatted a few times and I participated on her Facebook page's discussion forum.  I read one of her books, A Season of Eagles, which I found fascinating.  She invited me to participate in a spiritual retreat in Brazil, at what is called "the Casa" where healer John of God practices.  I did not feel ready, was filled with fear and shall I say was not quite "in alignment" with the idea of the Casa...

Since 2009, I deepened my Reiki practice and my connection to God-Source.  I have studied, studied and studied.  I have a full library of authors and have attended workshops and participated in online training events.  I have given a few workshops too.  I have had several amazing spiritual experiences that go beyond rational thinking.  I am learning to trust my vibes, visions and gut instinct.  My conscious mind is expanding as Spirit is taking more and more of its rightful place in its Temple, my body.

2011 is supposed to be a year of great spiritual expansion across the globe.  That is what all the authors are saying - leading to the great new era of 2012 as predicted by the Mayan/Aztec calendar, etc.  I'm still not a firm believer, but I have learned to keep an open mind and an open heart.  Life is just so much more wonderful this way.  My own spiritual consciousness is certainly expanding.

All that to say that two weeks ago, I woke up with a sudden need to go to the Casa.  I just felt I have to go as soon as possible.  The calling was very strong.  I even heard the words, "it is time.  Go now."

And then my rational mind kicks in - how?  When?  Will I have sufficient holidays from work? Where will I find the funds?  Why am I being called??  What is happening???

In this spiritual line of work, we teach that Abundance comes from God.  He/She will provide for your every need.  If He/She needs you for a certain task, the Universe will cooperate in providing you with everything you need to serve the greater purpose.  And so I learn to quiet my mind.  I will not worry.  I will surrender my will to God and know that everything is possible.  I will pray.

"Dear God, if it is your Will that I visit the Casa, I will trust this guidance and confirm my attendance with Josie.  I trust that the Universe will manifest the necessary contacts, funds and travel arrangements for your Will to be done.  I surrender to your Will in service to others and to work on your Divine Plan and the Greater Good.  I am grateful for all the Love and Abundance already manifesting in my life."

(My rational mind still needs to work on the "surrendering" part...  A tough Life Lesson for me.)

This story is to be continued... ;)

PS: I am taking Air Miles donations towards this trip.  Doesn't hurt to ask, right?  :)

Many blessings to you all.

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