Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Is there a "typical" Reiki session?

Yes. And no.

So then what are we to expect when we receive and give a Reiki session?

It all starts the same way. The room is set up with dimmed lights, a massage table, and perhaps a candle is lit and incense or essential oils are perfuming the space. There is a feeling of calm, peace, Love and trust. You have stepped into a sacred space.

We have a brief conversation regarding the healing intention of the session, and how you are doing in body, mind and spirit. You get comfortable on the massage table, fully clothed, over or under the blanket. Some people don't feel comfortable laying down on the treatment table - that's perfectly fine. You can sit comfortably in a chair, we can sit on the floor, we can remain standing... This is one of these times when it's all about YOU and your healing. You must feel comfortable to be able to relax and receive the healing energy. Let me know what works best for you.

I will ask you if you would like to call in a guardian spirit - these can be animal totems, angels, fairies, dragons, crossed over loved ones... The Spirit World is vast! I bow my head and pray that I may be an instrument of God's Love, Light and Peace; that I may hear, see, feel and even smell what my senses need to pick up to give you the healing you most need at this time, for your highest good. I ask the Lord of Divine Light, my Guardian Spirits, and the Reiki Masters to help me be the best Light I can be.

This is when I typically feel energy rushing through me. My hands start tingling. I feel pulled to the area of your body which needs most healing/alignment/clearing. We have opened that proverbial "box of chocolate" and delight in the surprise we're going to get.

With our human minds, we think practical cause-and-effect. My shoulder hurts, it must be a physical injury. If you come to a Reiki session for a sore shoulder, however, the Spirit World may lovingly point to other causes and other healing modalities... It may very well start with the traditional Usui System of sending Universal Life Force to the affected area. You may feel a tingling sensation, heat or a cool breeze coming from my palms. Know that your body is healing itself. This may be all you need. And it would be perfect for you because this is what you need in this given time for your highest good.

But then again, we may get a glimpse of something more. You may get a pain in your chest and feel like your shoulder wants to cave into your ribs. You may feel a strong emotion -- or I may feel all that for you through the process of Holographic Reiki. So unless you're sleeping already by this time, we discuss the arising feelings and sensations as they come up. We interpret them together with the guidance I receive. In the case of your shoulder, do you feel you are carrying the weight of the world? Do you have many "I should" and "I have to" constantly running in your mind? Do you feel supported and loved by your family and close relationships? Are there blockages? We will work through this together.

I had a client once who felt such a heavy load on her shoulders, it literally felt like a ton of bricks. I could barely remain standing and my breathing hurt. In my mind's eye, I started lifting the bricks one by one until the pressure was gone. Both myself and my client felt lighter and much relieved once it was done!

For an other client, I kept seeing luggage. There were suitcases of all shapes, forms and colours stored in something that looked like an airport. She said this sounded a bit like her house - she was an avid collector and she kept everything. She had boxes and boxes of "stuff". Well, she was doing the same with her emotions and piling one emotional experience over an other without really dealing with them. The luggage symbolized emotional baggage this client needed to work through.

Depending where you are spiritually, I may receive a different type of guidance or set of images and sensations regarding your shoulder. Your Akashic record may open for me to see an injury in your past - in your current incarnation or in a past life. We will work together to heal that wound and to release it and the emotions related to it so you can feel whole and healthy in your current body. Together, we will clear psychic debris and etheric cords linked to this injury.

As for you, you may feel a series of emotions and sensations. Some clients are nervous and twitchy and don't allow themselves to relax - that's OK, that's where they are. Some clients fall asleep -- and snore! Some clients cry or sob heavily. Others laugh. Others talk the whole time. Some are quiet and absorb it all. Some ask questions as we go along, others keep their questions until the end. Some want me to talk them through the session, others prefer a silent session with a debrief at the end. It all depends on you, your preferences and your needs. I'm here to help you feel and be your best by channeling this divine Universal Life Force - how you choose to receive it is up to you.

At the end of the session, I will make sure you feel grounded. You may feel calm and peaceful. You may have a thousand questions to ask. You may feel a bit distressed due to the uniqueness of the experience. Journal your experience. Drink lots of water to flush out your system. Take a bath in epsom and sea salts. Rest. Play. Pray. Do what feels best for you. This is a gift you give yourself.

So it there a "typical" Reiki session? The sessions typically last one hour and can be in person or distant. There is a process followed for the opening and closing prayers. But what happens in between is unique to each person, and unique to each session. I do not control. I allow Divine Love and Light to work through me for the highest good of all involved.

I have never had 2 sessions the same, whether I am the one receiving a session or channelling a session. I rejoice in that fact for it shows me the beauty and creativity of our Divine spark, and the greatness of the Divine Love gently guiding us and showing us exactly what we need in this moment - even if it's not what we had decided it would be. ;)

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