Friday, September 21, 2012

Peace. Paix. Shalom.

Today is World Peace Day - take some time now to reflect how you can be an agent of peace in your life, your family, your community, the world. How can you be an agent of love and joy? Take a moment now and breathe in peace; exhale and smile as you centre yourself in the now. All is well. Radiate wellness and others will attune to this vibration. Send waves of loving energy across the globe. See the world as the precious jewel it is, sacred home to so many souls. Hold it in your heart, even just a moment.


 Peace. Paix. Shalom.

I took a quick look at my blog's stats, and realized that people from all over the world, in every continent, have found their way to my site.  To each one of you, I am sending Love and Peace.  May this frequency vibrate within your body, your soul and your entire auric field.  May the frequency of your environment vibrate at the speed of Love and Peace.  And, with a ripple effect, may this frequency of Love and Peace which emanates from each individual reach an other ripple of Love, then an other, and an other until together, we bathe our world in an ocean of loving and peaceful energy.  May each of you, in your corner of the world, anchor this energy of Love and Peace on this earth.  May we, together, create a sustainable web of peace for generations to come.  Blessed be.

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