Friday, August 10, 2012

Aromatherapy for the Throat Chakra

For me, the best scents and essential oils to be used to balance the Throat Chakra are those that help clear the throat and soothe away stress and tension.  Have you ever noticed how stress brings tension in your neck and shoulders?  That tension does have an impact on how you express yourself lovingly - and can be the result of you not expressing your true feelings, your insights, needs or boundaries in a clear fashion.

Take a bath or make a steam inhalation with the following oils (not all of them at once; it can be overstimulating).  ;)

  • Lavender is very safe to use at all ages, and directly on the skin.  Use 5-10 drops in your bath, a few drops on your pillow, or a drop in the soft spot of your throat, and one in your navel.  It calms the nervous system and helps relieve stress.
  • Roman Chamomile is very calming - so much so that it is not recommended to use in the morning or before driving.  Make a tea and drink before bedtime, or mix 2 drops of essential oils with a few drops of carrier oil (almond or sesame), and dab behind your ears or on your temples to relieve tension headaches and stress.
  • Peppermint is very good to clear the throat, especially if you feel clogged up with mucus.  It is purifying and increases the amount of prana taken from the air.
  • Eucalyptus is very cleansing and acts as a tonic - but it a very strong essential oil and not recommended to be used directly on the skin.  I nonetheless often add a few drops to my bath water, or use an aromajar/burner beside my bath to breathe in the scent of eucalyptus.  I often mix eucalyptus with peppermint to use as a tonic, and when I know a client has a cold, sinus infection, ear ache or needs a boost to balance and tone the Throat Chakra.
  • Marjoram is used in massage to relieve muscle tension.  Mix a few drops of marjoram with carrier oil, and massage your shoulders and neck.  Remember to breathe calmly and deeply as you inhale the scent.

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