Saturday, July 7, 2012

Throat Chakra: overview

The throat chakra, with its placement between the head and the heart, acts as a bridge between mental aspects and emotional aspects, between thoughts and feelings.  It is also a link between the material and the immaterial or spiritual worlds, as it bridges the higher and lower chakras.

A well balanced throat chakra enables us to overcome duality and have a more global or centred approach to life; we learn to balance times when we listen to our head, and those when we listen to our hearts.  More importantly, we learn to communicate clearly our ideas and emotions.  By developing our throat chakra, we also learn to speak and act our inner truth and inner wisdom without being swayed by either the strong opinions or emotions of our environment.

You will notice an imbalance in the throat chakra, whether it spins too strongly or sluggishly, when:

  • you have a hard time expressing yourself, your thoughts and your feelings; 
  • you suffer from shyness; 
  • you say things you later regret; 
  • you suffer from speech defect; 
  • you often find yourself telling little white lies; 
  • you have a sore throat or thyroid issues; or 
  • if you constantly talk people's ear off.

If you want to work on harmonizing this chakra, follow your inner guidance to gauge whether it spins too fast or too slow.  If you want to activate it, start by humming or singing quietly to yourself.  See if you can put your thoughts and feelings to song.  Make it silly or dramatic - as long as you vocalize what needs to be said.  As you sing, place your hands on your throat and feel the vibrations of your voice.  Feel also how your mood changes as you sing.  And if you have a sudden clear vision of a solution to your issue, write it down!

If you need to calm this chakra, practice silent observation of nature; if you can, stare into a calm body of water.  I'm sure even staring at an image of a calm turquoise sea would work.  Practice yoga breathing - touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your upper teeth and practice opening your throat as you inhale and exhale slowly.  Feel your breath in the back of your throat.  Listen to its sound - doesn't it remind you of the sea?

I can help you harmonize your chakras; book an appointment in person or through Skype.  It is the expression of my inner truth to serve and help heal people, pets and places.  I would love to help you feel more in harmony with your true feelings and with your unique divine plan.

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