Thursday, May 12, 2011

Moving onward and forward...

Fearlessly?  No.  But moving onward and forward just the same.  Participating in Life's spiral dance and not just watching it go by.  Accepting my role as co-creator of my Life and my environment.

These past few weeks, I have taken two online courses: one for clairsentients, and one on Mindwalking.  Both courses include meditation "homework".  I have discovered I truly enjoy meditating at least five minutes every day; it makes me feel more connected to the spirit of the divine all around me and within me.  I find it easier to hear my spiritual "cues" and I'm getting better at acting on those cues.  And Life is unfolding beautifully.

This weekend is the result of such a cue.  During a session in January, the practitioner mentioned (again) that I must write books.  She saw help coming my way.  She saw me with Cheryl Richardson, and that she would be acting as a mentor for me.  I had never heard of that author.  When I returned home, I looked her up, bought a book, "liked" her Facebook page.   I thought, "Well, I'm not sure how this will unfold, but I am open to what the Universe will bring my way."  Two days later, I noticed Hay House's advertisement for the "I Can Do It" conference in Toronto.  One of the pre-conference workshops is given by Cheryl Richardson, and deals with the life of an author; how to present a book; how to have it published, etc.  An interesting synchronicity.  I signed up right away.  

I am looking forward to tomorrow's workshop!

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