If you read my articles this month, you’ve learned that opening up your Third Eye or Brow Chakra to intuition is not just about woo-woo New Age ideals on spiritualism, and it’s not just about increasing psychic abilities. A strong and balanced Brow Chakra is opened to physical and metaphysical information. It seeks to fuse its understanding of the physical world with a deep inner knowing that comes from being spiritually connected. We become aware of energy - motivations, emotions, ideals, “hidden agendas”, forces - beyond what can be perceived by the physical senses. This knowing can help us make decisions that are more ethical, enlightened, and aligned with the highest good.
So when I wake up almost every day for a week with a headache, and I meet clients and colleagues who are also suffering from headaches, body aches, nausea, and tiredness… When my guidance and Oracle Readings all have the same theme of R&R to prepare for a new beginning, I start thinking that it is not just me, not just the time change, not just the fact that I might not have been drinking less than my 2L of water daily, not just the change in weather; there must be something else going on in the Energy Field.
I did a bit of research to supplement my meditations, and found that, indeed, the Energy Field is changing. Just last Friday, we experienced a New Moon, the Equinox, and a solar eclipse. Earlier last week, we experienced the magnetism of various big solar flares. There are also big astrological changes with signs and planets pointing to personal transformation and reevaluation . Spiritually, Doreen Virtue summed it up well on her Facebook page:
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From Doreen Virtue's Facebook page |
Now it's time for reassignments for us all, and promotions to a higher purpose. We are guided to rest, take naps, and take it easy. During sleep, rest, prayer, and meditation is where you receive the new information about the higher path that your life is taking.
With this energy shift, your body will likely ask you for a cleaner diet, and gentle forms of exercise. Sensitivities or allergies to processed foods, gluten, and chemicals might be affecting your body right now. Headaches, illness, and body pain can arise from detoxing or from allergens in your diet. Your body is literally rejecting toxins right now. You can expect increasing sensitivity to harsh energy, which might mean that career and relationship changes will come about sooner than expected."
What have you been praying for in the past few months, especially since the Solstice? Where have you been focusing your thoughts and energies? What is the gist of your inner talk, and your conversations with the divine? Your prayers have been heard, and your spiritual helpers are coming up with a solution - it’s not quite ready yet, but they will surprise you soon with their answer. They are working hard - so what is your role now?
Rest. Meditate. Smile. Don’t worry; be happy.
Doing nothing seems like a tall order when ego wants to run around in circles with so much to do and so little time to do it. Meditating might feel counter-intuitive when you feel the need to plan, think, analyze. Praying might feel irrelevant when you feel the call to action.
Remember: having an open and healthy Brow Chakra involves listening to these urgings of the soul! By resisting these whispers from spirit, you risk increasing physical symptoms of discomfort such as those listed above. Balance both sides of your brain; balance logic and intuition; balance planning and analysis with creative activities.
Remember also: a healthy Brow Chakra involves trust in Spirit and in your creative mind. This trust relationship develops over time, and in moments of quietude - not in hustle and bustle.
Now that you have more information about what is happening in the Energy Field, the choice is yours: will you resist the changes and try to ignore your soul’s callings, or will you find some moments of quietude and rest to joyfully welcome the new, higher-vibrational energies coming your way?
For myself, I am increasing meditation time, walks outdoors with my dog, and am becoming more disciplined in my daily self-Reiki practice.
To what meditation practice, energy medicine or rest time can you commit? I’d love to hear from you. Remember to reach out to me by private message or email if you need help.
Surrounding you in Love & Light.