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Cards by John Holland, Denise Linn, Doreen Virtue |
My first thought when I saw these cards, one after the other from different decks talking about opening to divine Love and guidance, went to all of us who are making some subtle or radical changes in our lives this month. So many of us feel the need to be aligned with our soul purpose at this time. Whether we are ready or not, our soul is pushing us past our comfort zones. That voice inside us wanting to express our creativity, our passion, our spirituality will not be quiet anymore. It can no longer be ignored. This is the month to truly open to all the beauty, love and gifts the Universe is bringing our way!
The first card (top) is the Universe. It came forth from the deck to provide insight on our greatest lesson this month. We are reminded to have fun this month! Celebrate our unique spirit! Celebrate all our work, our trials and our triumphs for all these are lessons that have helped each of us become who we are in this moment. We've gained a lot of wisdom so far on our journey. With this wisdom, we must remember that we are part of a bigger picture than the tediousness of daily life. Our challenge, especially in this month of December, is to remember that we are all interconnected.
The second card, Opening, represents our next right action to move our energy toward our lofty challenge of feeling this connection with the Universe and with each other. We are invited to open our hearts to the flow of unconditional Love. With an open heart, we can receive Love. We can receive the gifts of Universe. With an open heart, we can shine! It is time to say, "Hey Universe - I'm ready to shine and share my gifts with the world! Bring in on! Thank you for all the opportunities coming my way just in time and on target!"
The third card, Divine Guidance, represents our helpers this month as we embrace our heart-opening challenges. These helpers are none other than God and the angels. They are surrounding us at this time to help us believe in ourselves. They want us to trust our intuition - and to follow it! They assure us that our gut feelings, the knowingness, the visions, the daydreams, the coincidences in our lives at this time are truly meaningful and trying to tell us something!
Bottom line - this month, let's allow our intuition guide us where we can BE love and where we can share Love where it is needed most around the world. Let's use our unique gift to share the Love - some of us enjoy baking, others enjoy building, others enjoy hugging while others yet can direct loving energy with their thoughts and energy! By giving more Love, we will receive more Love. With more Love, we will feel increased energy, happiness and joy. What beautiful energies to make the world go round!
This month's spiritual assignments:
- Practice the following affirmations: "I am open to receiving the gifts of the Universe!" & "I am divinely guided at all times!"
- Be mindful of your inner feelings and "knowingness". Pay close attention to the deeper meanings of signs, and symbols - especially if they are repetitious.
- Be open to new experiences, people, places and things. Forge new directions. Start new projects. Let your creativity flow!
- Find at least one outreach activity where you can use your special talent to serve the highest good. Visit the sick in a hospital. Care for a homeless person. Send love to parts of the world. Bake for a single parent in your neighbourhood. Volunteer at an animal shelter. Forgive a stubborn relative who is grumpy during the holidays. Ask your heart what it would like to do to spread the Love this month -- and follow through!
Share your special action below. Remember that sharing your action can give you a sense of purpose and responsibility, and will help you follow through! All of us here in this online community can help support each other in our caring efforts! After all, we are One in Spirit. Where one person raises energy, we can all benefit. Imagine if hundreds of Lightworkers raised loving energy this month... I'm sure I would feel uplifted and joyful!
Many blessings of Love and Joy to all!
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