Thursday, June 13, 2013

Daily gestures can become sacred rituals

The card I picked for today is from Doreen Virtue's "Healing With The Fairies": Detoxification. The affirmation is "I take excellent care of my body, and I crave only healthful foods and beverages." The guidance is to heed the call to clean our body, environment, mind and heart of toxins.

The image that immediately popped in my head is that of Arbonne's Sea Source Detox products, and I want to take a few minutes now to share with you what attracted me to Arbonne and why I decided to share them with others.

Arbonne is one of the first "green" companies, who developed botanical products around the philosophy of pure, safe and beneficial -- this was 30 + years ago, before it was trendy to do so. They are one of the few companies certified by Leaping Bunny, which means that none of the products are ever tested on animals. Note that some companies who are "against animal testing" for their final product still test some of their product ingredients on animals... Arbonne doesn't. In addition, the products are vegan certified. The company also has a carbon neutral program

Arbonne answered my need for ethical, environment-friendly products that work, and I enjoy shopping from home without having to drive between 100-400km to a large city centre. From the moment I was presented with the products and the opportunity at a home spa, I knew it fit in nicely with my philosophy of life and with the standards I set for myself as I continue to develop and grow in my lightworker practice. 

About the Sea Source Detox products: these products have key botanical products that help nurture, remineralize and soften the skin and that draw impurities away from the skin. The Sea Algae is an antioxidant. The Sea Fennel has antibacterial properties. The Spirulina Maxima is a multivitamin and has restorative effects. The salt in the bath soak and in the scrub not only help microcirculation and exfoliation, it also helps revitalize your energy field. I, like many spiritual teachers, always recommend sea salt-based products to my clients to help rebalance the body-mind-spirit connection and the aura. You might want to follow a soak in the tub with a detox tea...

I always feel good when I use a product that is as good for me as it is for the environment. It brings me back to the present moment. It fills my heart with gratitude. I am not only taking care of my body, but also of my mind, my emotions and my spirit as I consciously scrub away what no longer serves my higher purpose.

I honestly believe that every action in our daily life can be an opportunity for prayer, reflexion and conscious living - so don't be too hard on yourself complaining that you can't make time to meditate every day... If you shower every day, take that time to shower consciously, with great products that nurture your skin, your mind and your spirit. Visualize metaphysical toxins leaving your body as you scrub your skin (tip: scrub from the extremities toward the liver - the physical and metaphysical filter of our being). Relax. Breathe. Enjoy the fresh scent of your products. Make daily gestures meaningful and holistic.

It's your choice: you can rush through your shower for 15 minutes as you think of all your burdens and things on your to-do list, or you can savour your 15-minute shower with wonderful, nurturing products and self-talk. I know which option leaves me more refreshed and ready to take on the day!

These wonderful products ship to the USA, Canada, the UK and Australia.  Contact me to order products and I'll have them delivered directly to your place, or shop online, quoting my Consultant ID number 115460745 at check-out.

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