Friday, May 31, 2013

Interpreting seemingly strange spiritual guidance... And a contest!

Spiritual guidance doesn't always make sense... I have a few spots left for the upcoming June 15-16 Reiki Level 1 class, and so I asked for guidance as how to reach out to those I can serve, those who could benefit from my teachings and from whom I could learn and grow as a teacher... I asked one Oracle card deck, then an other, and an other... the answers are the same: express sexuality, sensuality; flirt, have fun! Huh??? Won't this send the wrong message of what Reiki is about and cross professional, ethical and personal boundaries?? How do I interpret this message from the Fairies and my Joy Guides? Well, I'm laughing now and I put on some good music and was dancing outside in the sun and it really lifted my mood... does that count as sensuality? (it was not belly dancing or anything suggestive!!) Maybe I should let prospective students know that we will be using our creativity to access our deeper psyche, that we will dance together and do breathing exercises to help ego stand down and Spirit fully enter our bodies? Maybe I should get a new haircut, mani and pedi before the class?

I never thought that teaching Reiki could be a sensual experience - not in the physical sense, anyway... Although I am truly enjoying on the mental, emotional and spiritual level every moment I spend studying my material and preparing binders and exercises for the wonderful students who will grace me with their presence and energy!

How would you interpret this reading for me?

Well, this isn't "sensual" as per my spiritual guidance this morning, but since I really enjoy giving freebies to allow more people to experience Reiki and the joys of working for spiritual evolution... here's your chance to win your tuition for the upcoming Reiki Level 1, on June 14-16, 2013 (+ 5 additional 3-hour classes for the following 5 months which are mandatory for certification). That's a $360 value! Grab your chance to rock your world as you develop your ability to channel Spirit's healing energy!

What you need to do to enter the draw: "Google +" my blog (if you haven't already done so), and "+1" this post, then write "done" below so that I can see your name and enter you in the draw.  Make sure your name is entered in the comment box too, if you're not signed in on Google... it would be difficult to award a tuition scholarship to "Anonymous"...  ;)

Sending you lots of Love!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Be mindful of your thoughts

There appears to be an archetypal energy in the air about our responsibility to choose our thoughts and emotions, and the need to quiet down the busy-ness of our lives to truly listen to our inner and spiritual guidance...  Once I posted this image online, I noticed many synchronous events and many postings on Facebook from teachers and healers talking about this same concept today.  I smiled when I realized the card I picked as our message for today echoed that common thread...   We are all interconnected and weaved together into a fabric much greater than our individual selves.  It is wonderful to receive this validation once again!


Is your head filled with the voices, choices and opinions of others? Are these shouting so loudly in your head that you are loosing your connection with your inner guidance system? Are you so worried about pleasing those voices and opinions, doing the right thing by them and fearful of making a mistake that you feel paralyzed into inaction? If you're tired of this struggle, consider it a "wake-up call" from your Spirit. You are making progress by acknowledging all the noise in and around you, and with your desire to reconnect to your authentic self.

Did you know that the voice of your inner wisdom can sound almost flat and devoid of emotion? It does not seek to flatter you, to coerce you or even to make you feel special. It is very subtle, yet consistent. It will not compete with all the other voices and opinions in your head because it fully supports your free will and freedom of choice: you can choose to listen to this subtle guidance and tune out the noise, or you can choose to listen to the noise and tune out your subtle guidance.

Today, choose to listen to that still voice within. It will take your commitment to make space in your head. It will require you to be selective about what you take in from the outside world. It will require your patience and your willingness to be fully present in the moment.

Here are a few techniques to help you stay true to your commitment to your Highest Self:

  • Take a break from listening to the news: turn off the TV, your RSS feed, your talk radio. Put down the newspaper.
  • Take a 5-minute break just to be you, be centred, and breathe deeply into your belly. 
  • Enhance your breathing practice with the aroma of peppermint, eucalyptus or lemon. Either dab a few drops of essential oil on your temples, or have a nice cup of herbal tea.
  • When a thought, belief or emotion pop into your mind, ask yourself if it really belongs to you, or if you've picked it up from someone, somewhere, your upbringing... Ask yourself if it still serves your highest good, and if not - are you ready to let it go? 
  • Take time to clean your closet, your desk space or that junk drawer. Intend that by clearing this space, you are also clearing your mind.
  • Allow the sun to shine on your face. Image its rays entering your body through your Crown chakra and shining a light on all your inner cobwebs, clearing them away as each ray brushes through your body.

Sending you lots of Love and Light!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

When you choose Love over fear...

When you choose to listen to Love instead of fear, you are connecting to your Higher Consciousness which is one with Divine Consciousness, or Universal Wisdom and Love. You cannot go wrong when you are connected to Spirit and when you allow each step of your journey to be guided from this place of Love.

When you choose Love over fear, you are connecting to a higher frequency, a higher vibration. You will feel lighter and more joyful. You will feel more confident. You will feel more inner peace.

When you choose Love over fear, you open up all your clairsentient channels. You can see, hear, feel, smell and understand the divine guidance available to you, manifesting in all small and big messages. You connect with animals and understand their messages for you; you feel the love of those who have crossed over and keep watch over you; you have a sense of clarity about your life purpose. Your life unfolds magically, filled with wonder.

First, you need to choose Love over fear, and commit to this path of Love. Take time to quiet your mind and your life. Reduce the activities that cause you stress. Decide to improve your life. Take time away from noise. Walk outside, meditate, listen to soulful music, practice yoga... do the dishes and other mundane chores with love and appreciation.

Remember that at your core, you ARE love, pure and simple.

Share one thing you can do today to connect to your higher self - how will you choose love over fear today? I am supporting you and keeping the energy space for you as you grow on your own path to wisdom.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Accept to flow with the loving energy of the Universe

Often times, when we feel insecure or fearful about our future, we use all our mental and emotional energy to ignore that unease, to deny our true feelings, or to camouflage the unease via bold actions. Living in a mental and emotional state of worry robs us from enjoying the present, the gifts of the moment, and all the joy and serenity that is available to us now. When we constantly construct, in our minds, possible scenarios about the future - and most of them where we are victim of circumstances or of others' emotional states of being - we disempower ourselves from creating the wonderful, joyful life experience we so desire.

It is one of today's greatest lessons to learn to embrace our vulnerabilities and our dependance on others. Many of us have been brought up with the ideal that "doing it all by myself" is the greatest accomplishment. We are brought up with a sense that it is absolutely necessary to control outcomes, to plan incessantly and to micromanage not only our life but also that of those around us.

Step back from your plans for just a moment, and breathe. Notice how your plans, schemes, and attitude of doing-it-alone actually brings more chaos in your life. Wouldn't you rather flow with the current of life rather than fighting, resisting and manipulating it because somehow, somewhere you made a plan for your life and you won't deviate from it, or you feel crushed if life brought you to a different place than what you were striving for?

All of life is dependant on the Love and Abundance of the Universe. Learn to reconnect to Source, and surrender your needs and worries. Be grateful for all you already have - things, relationships and life experiences that support you in your body, mind and spirit.

Acknowledge how your ego pulls you into a state of fear and worry in an attempt to make you believe that you are not connected to Source and therefore must exercise absolute control over people, pets and events in your life.

Choose whether you want to flow with Life and lift away stress, anxiety, fear and other low-vibrating energies, or if you prefer to stay in a state of worry and control.

Know that I can help support you as you transition from a belief system of fear and control, to a state of flow. Sending you much Love.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Have the courage to be the real you

Be YOU, fully completely without apologies. Move past fears and your own judgements about what you can or cannot do, about what you should and should not do. Be true to your heart. Step out of your comfort zone. You'll soon grow into your own beautiful, bountiful, abundant and powerful self. When you're centred on Spirit and not on your smaller ego self, you will achieve miracles.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Make peace of mind your priority

My cat Coquin, "hiding" behind a curtain.
What brings you peace of mind?

Did you know that peace of mind is a conscious choice you make?  Today, commit to taking steps to ensure your peace of mind, and take those steps without delay and without "yeah, buts".

Actions and thought-seeds you can take to achieve peace of mind include being honest with yourself and with others. Say no when you mean no. Respect your personal and professional boundaries. Follow your dreams, even for just a moment in a daydream. Live life in a way that is respectful of your divine nature, that of others and of all sentient beings. Honour your intuition.

Take time to breathe deeply and fully everyday. Be aware of your surroundings (have you noticed all the shades of green, yellow, pink and purple with the new leaves and blooms?).

Count your blessings. Say thank you. Be kind to strangers.

Maintain healthy sleep habits and take good care of your body. The better you maintain your soul's temple, the more your soul will feel at home in your body and the more joy you can invite in your life.

Which action will you commit to today? Share in the comment space.

Blessings of Love and Light. I see you enveloped in a beautiful and soft white light. Allow this light to enter your consciousness, breathe it in. Feel the peace.

Friday, May 10, 2013

New YouTube video: Spiritual Development Program

Phew!  I'm certainly learning lots this month about producing home videos!  I've been meaning to produce videos for some time, but my perfectionist self wanted to wait until I had the right technology, the right support crew, the right training, the right marketing platform...  And then I thought that if I keep waiting, it may just never happen and Spirit has been pushing me lately to get my message out there in a bigger way.  So here it is, a home-made video presenting my Spiritual Development Program!

In this transformative six-month program, you will receive customized personal guidance to support you in your Journey. It includes nine individual coaching & Reiki sessions, six Spiritual Guidance reports you will receive by email, and personal spiritual and soul-searching assignments. In addition, you will have access to me by email for the whole duration of the program, so that you are always supported through the more difficult transitions and transmutations, and you always have someone with whom to celebrate your breakthroughs and "AHA" moments.

This program is currently offered at 50% off - that's only $900 - or $150 a month - for the full program, the 9 customized-to-you individual 1-hour sessions, the 6 oracle card guidance reports and email support!  This offer is valid through August 15, 2013 and then the price will be $1800.

I would be honoured to serve as your Coach and mentor!  Call me or email me today to book your complementary 30-minute exploratory session.  We'll explore if this program is for you, and if we are a good vibrational match.

I hope you enjoy the video, and please share!

Blessings of Love and Light to all.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Feeling stuck?

If you're feeling stuck right now, consider whether you are staring at the closed door.  Examine your emotions - do you want to feel justified?  Are you feeling anger, bitterness or jealousy?  Do you feel self-righteous and need to "stick it up" to the person or the life event that has closed the door in your face?  Do you feel like you endlessly need to explain why you are standing here at the closed door?  Do you feel distraught, disoriented and lost now that the one door you had focused on for so long is closed and may never open again?  Are you wasting time standing at the door waiting for it to open again?

Now examine the energies associated with your feelings - are they feeling light or heavy?  Do they vibrate at a high frequency or at a slow speed?  Do they make you feel happy, hopeful, joyous and loved - or the opposite?  Do you want to stay in that energy or frequency level?

Yes, your ego has probably been hurt.  Yes, you probably have to lick your wounds.  But don't stay there.  As beautiful as the door may be, it wasn't the door for you at this time in your life, and your Spirit knows it.  Stop whining and complaining for a minute.  Stop feeling sorry for yourself and playing the victim.  Listen to your inner voice; it will point you in the direction of the door that is made just for you, and it will be more fabulous than any door you've ever seen.  And the best part is that it will open for you just at the right moment, just like magic.

Do you need help to hear your inner voice?  Do you need help to pick yourself up and dust yourself off?  Consider booking an in-person or phone Reiki and Intuitive Coaching session with me, or you might prefer a written oracle card reading (Guidance in Your Inbox).  I would be honoured to serve as your coach and helper.

Monday, May 6, 2013

In times of trouble, look for the lesson...

In this great experiment that we call life, remember that we are all students seeking to grow our souls according to our unique lessons plan.

When things don't go your way, you have many choices:  to have a tantrum, to sulk, to feel victimized by life's events and people in your life, or to take a step back to seek the lessons involved in your situation.  What can you learn from what you're going through?  How can this lesson serve your higher purpose?  How could you apply this lesson elsewhere in your life?  How can you become stronger and better for having lived through, survived and even thrived through that tough time?

Many of these hard lessons have to do with developing the courage to love yourself more, to forgive more, to be more loving toward others, to be more considerate, to be more guided by Spirit and Love rather than ego...  to move closer every time to the ideal of unconditional love.  Sometimes, we do need a "kick in the teeth" to snap us out of old habits, thinking patterns, behaviours and routines that don't serve our highest good.  Many times, we would not be pushed to grow and become more authentic without these hard life experiences, because we are too comfortable in our routine.

When we use harder life experiences as a spark to grow and learn, it changes our whole experience of life.  It becomes more gentle, more calm, more harmonious.   We are more attuned to our intuition.  Wouldn't it be nice to live life this way instead of staying stuck in the heavier energies of anger, resentment and bitterness?

So, what's your choice: sulk or grow?

I'm here to coach you through the process of growth - I'm only a phone call or an email away...  Sending you lots of Love and wishes for you to develop the patience to discover your Inner Wisdom.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Enlighten the people generally... (Thomas Jefferson Quote)

Look into the beautiful lotus flower...  The centre of the flower evokes for me people standing in a circle and creating Light to share with the greater universe...

Will you dare stand in your own beautiful Light today?  Will you dare share it with the world?