The energies of this month are conducive to taking stock of where we are, of what we value, and of what we want to grow. Many have asked me recently what a "Tarotscope" is, and therefore I have prepared one that would be of benefit for my readers. Connecting to Spirit, I picked one card from 3 different decks, holding the intention of enquiring about the energies and spiritual help/lessons available to us all this month, for the highest good of all. This is my gift to you, and I hope it will help guide you this month! :)

Cards drawn: Hierophant, reversed (RW); The Mapmaker of Destiny (CBR); and 6 Pentacles/Material & Spiritual Prosperity (JH).
These three cards indicate that we are at a turning point in our spiritual awareness, and it is now time to discover our authentic purpose. It is time to make use of free will, our divine gift and birthright. Changing our patterns - whether of behaviour or thought - will challenge the satus quo and some of us might have to learn to stand our ground for what we really believe in. Do you still wholeheartedly accept what institutions have been telling you for years? Do you still hold true beliefs you have acquired since childhood? Are you holding on to fears (False Evidence Appearing Real) or distorted memories magnified by your ego? Are these all serving your higher purpose and greatest good? Have faith in yourself, and develop the courage to stand for what you truly believe, for what you know is true for you, in your heart.
The manner in which you engage your journey is critical at this time. Learn to detach from the drama of everyday life and instead respond from your spirit's point of view. You are faced with an event, project or relationship brought to you by Fate. What is the lesson here? Journal your thoughts, emotions and reactions to find if there's a greater pattern, or a life lesson to learn from the ally or challenger in your life. Remember that Destiny is your to design, and it's your responses to fated events and coincidences that place markers on the map of your life.
If you learn to respond from your heart, and from your spirit's perspective (instead of doing what-you've-been-told-because-that's-how-it's-always-been-end-of-story), expect a sudden bonus to come in your life. Will you accept this bonus or refuse a gift because you've learned sometime in your life that refusing is better than accepting? Remember that it is the practice of giving AND receiving that will guide you to true prosperity.
A time of prosperity, balance and harmony is at hand. Practice generosity, gratitude and compassion toward yourself and others, so that you continue to prosper in all areas of your life.
YOUR HOMEWORK: Journal your reactions, thoughts and emotions. Uncover the source of a pattern or a block and choose to change it to a more positive manifestation of your true self. Also, keep a gratitude journal; this practice will support your soul through the transition, and lead you to more prosperity. Remember that what you focus on is what grows, therefore focusing on what you're grateful for will bring more of that in your life -- and then some!
YOUR AFFIRMATION: "I am willing to change. I am grateful for all the rules and hard lessons I have learned throughout my life, and I am now willing to use my free will to discard those rules and lessons which do not serve my higher purpose anymore. I am making space in my heart, mind and body for true prosperity."
I will publish a Tarotscope at the beginning of the month for the next few months, as a gift to you and a huge THANK YOU for reading this blog. When I started this blog, I thought I would be writing for myself only and that no one would find me online - it was an experiment and a leap of faith. I am surprised and grateful to notice that my blog has been read in over 20 countries around the globe. Again, thank you and a big smile and virtual hug to each one of you. Just by checking out a post in my blog you help me define my purpose and my mission. Mwah!
Should you wish to receive a personalized Tarotscope, with homework and affirmations that are just for you, please contact me directly by email, phone or text. Let me know if you are enquiring about the energies of the month ahead in general, or about a particular question or situation.
Love and Light to you all!
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