Last winter was a particularly dark time for me. I felt pushed (and not always gently!) to make a big change in my work life. I knew this wasn't a good vibrational match for me, and because it drained me of vital energy I felt I could not be as present in the moment in developing my spiritual practice. I was however refusing to commit to myself and my higher purpose. I was being led by fear - fear of the big change, fear of lack of salary, fear of what others would say, fear of not fitting in, fear of being the best I can be... My ego would keep making lists of why I should stay in an unsettling, unsatisfying work environment where I had to fight everyday until I felt completely broken, a puddle on the floor.
But how wonderful is it that I was pushed to my limits? How wonderful is it that the wrong (or right!) managers and projects were put in my path to challenge me so? Without this very powerful force of contrast, I would never have found the courage to stand up for myself, by first taking a leave of absence and then upon my return being thrown right back in the middle of the storm decided that I would cross the threshold - this was not how I wanted to co-create my life. I committed to myself, my ideals, to Spirit and to Universe's plan for me.
Immediately, a wave of relief washed over my body. My perceptions started evolving and I could detach myself from the drama, if only momentarily. I was able to step back and admire the higher purpose of the seemingly ugly situation. With a smile, I could admire the beauty of the situation and that of the souls interacting with me to challenge me. I was able to find peace in my decision to change.
But still, I found it difficult to commit to an end date. I still wanted to stretch it out as long as I could to appease my ego and its fears. That didn't work very well either. The pushing and prodding continued at work until I decided on my end date, which was September 28, 2012.
The evening after I shared this date with management, still feeling wobbly and unsure, I received an invitation from Sonia Choquette (yes, a general email to her mailing list, but the synchronicity is there nonetheless) to participate in her Trust Your Vibes Level 1 training in Chicago -- at 40% off the tuition fee with only a few spots left... Training with her was on my vision board, as I love and appreciate her and her work and I consider her a mentor, but I didn't think it would be affordable or that I could have the time to go. The dates of the training? October 3-5, 2012: the weekend following my departure from my government job. Now I had the time, it became affordable, and it was such a perfect timing to start my new life as full-time Reiki practitioner and Intuitive Coach!
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Jacynthe (Jaz) Villemaire and Sonia Choquette, in Chicago |
I was smiling at her opening remarks, which included something to the effect that opening our minds and following the guidance of Spirit allows us to get out of jail; to free ourselves from the prison we had created with our minds. This statement had a double meaning for me, since the work I just left was with the Correctional Services! I felt validated.
I was so at peace and content to be in Sonia's presence, in this group of wonderful spirits. It just felt "right". I was with a group of women - and some men - who are journeying on a similar path as me, who take their shoes off to dance and meditate, and who accept to follow their guidance and their hearts, no matter how difficult or irrational the next step seems to be. I was with a group of people who, like me, have accepted to be a channel of Light and to anchor higher vibrations in this world of ours. I really "filled my cup" with Love, Grace and Gratitude.
I am so very happy with my decision to change, and so very grateful that Universe conspired the way it has to bring me to where I am today. I am very grateful for the synchronous events that will keep gracing my journey, bringing me the right people at the right time so that I continue to grow and evolve. I am grateful for the wonderful experiences, opportunities and challenges ahead. And I am so grateful and joyful that I have learned to reduce my resistance to the strong spiritual guidance present in my life.
I am working on preparing workshops and sessions to share what I have learned. I love teaching, especially when it's a topic that comes from my heart to yours!
If you are going through a life transition, whether it's job-related or not, I can help you define your intentions, your passions, and your purpose. I can coach you to remain spirit-centric in the midst of ego-centric struggles. It's not easy, but I've pulled through just fine and now that I'm on the other side of the struggle I can reach out and guide you. I learned valuable lessons along the way that could be key to you.
Much Love and Joy to you.
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