(Reading: Sonia Choquette, Trust Your Vibes
, Secret #2)
This metaphor can be applied to our sixth sense, or communication with Spirit. Imagine Spirit as the sender of a message, and yourself as the receiver. Spirit is constantly communicating with you, to help you on your soul's learning path and in your more mundane tasks too. Spirit want to reassure you of the Creator's love for you and seeks to support you every moment for your Highest Good. Now: when Spirit calls, do you pick up the phone? Do you know how to put your ear to the receiver and listen?
This is often the first stumbling block to developing our sixth sense: ignoring the phone call or not even knowing what the telephone is for. In spirit terms, this would be denying the existence of the spirit world. Believing we are not worthy of receiving such messages. Fearing what the message would be. Imagining either a great chasm opening up before us or the overwhelming choir of angels singing. These are ego traps set by your mind to stop you from picking up that communication line. Ego prefers to keep you in fear, because you are more easily controlled when you are fearful - or so thinks ego. If this is where you're at, have a conversation with your ego and set the intention to be open to communication with Spirit. It's OK to be fearful, but what's important is what you do with that fear. Don't let it pin you in a corner feeling alone in the dark. Love yourself for where you're at, but if it is your intention to develop your communication with Spirit, realize that there are several channels of communication with Spirit just waiting for you to reach out and talk.
Explore the channels of communication. If it were a telephone and you were new to this technology this is where you would read the user's manual and ask questions to experts. For communications with Spirit, the channels are boundless. Tarot
Once you start exploring, you may notice "static on the line." The message may not be clear. The language may seem foreign. It's normal and happens to the best of the six-sensories too.
One part of the static equation is nutrition. Your body must be properly fuelled for it to be sensitive to the subtle vibes. You must feed your body what it needs so that it doesn't shut down or become hypersensitive. Protein is very important in the morning to ground your body and sustain it through the day. Protein will help keep you balanced and of this Earth as your spirit explores other realms. As Sonia Choquette writes on page 11
The other part of the equation is mental, physical and emotional exhaustion. When we're tired, it's very difficult to perceive the subtle vibes of our intuition. When we're tired, our ego becomes a slave driver and will try to convince you that you are not tired, that you can fit more in your day if you just slept less, that the world and work will fall apart if you're not there... You know the tune. Stop listening to it. Change your radio station. Take time off. Sleep. To access your vibes, you must give yourself enough down time and enjoy doing nothing every once in a while. Meditate. Stare into your cup of tea or coffee. Disconnect from the busy-ness of the world that are jamming your communication lines.
If you neglect your body and its energy needs too often, your Spirit will not be happy living in that home. Sonia Choquette describes this as hovering outside your physical body. This is when people will tell you that your lights are on, but no one is home... Then you're opening yourself to energy squatters - low vibrating entities that may move in and drag you down. Time for psychic house-keeping!
Sonia Choquette
- 1/2 cup fine ground sea salt
- 1/2 cup fine ground epsom salt
- 1/8 cup baking soda
- 1 tsp oil (grapeseed, sweet almond, jojoba, olive...)
- Add about 10 drops of your favourite essential oil(s)
So to sum up: today's six-sensory wisdom: Take good care of yourself.
- Heal your addictions. Admit you need help, then get it. You will not be able to vibrate at a high level if addictions are keeping you down.
- Have a good night's rest - every night. If you're having trouble sleeping, turn off the nightly news, get a better pillow, do breathing exercise and gentle stretching before bed. Use lavender essential oil - in your bath, a few drop on your pillow, a few drops in your navel.
- Take a warm salt bath.
- Make a meal plan and stick to it.
- Enjoy your food - do not abuse of food especially caffeine, sugar, white flour and salt.
- Leave some down-time space in your day, and respect it.
- Schedule one or two do-nothing-but-relax periods in your week, and stick to your appointments.
- Drink a minimum of 1.5 litres of water a day.
So you see, a few simple efforts will help clear out the channels of communication between you and Spirit. Taking care of your body and its basic need is common sense since your body is the temple for your spirit.
Much Love to you.
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