Here is February's "tarotscope" which I have lovingly prepared with the intention of gaining insight into the spiritual work that would benefit us the most, for our highest good, this month. I was at first quite disheartened to see the Devil card followed by two 3 of Swords - a sign for such heartache, sadness and heartbreak. Oh no! My ego flustered a bit, as I had wanted to paint a loving picture for February, the month of the heart and Love... So I regrounded myself and ensured I was well connected with Spirit before I continued my reading. Bottom line is - we do have work to do improve make our lives, individually and collectively, and that work is to transcend the ego and transcend attachments to easy pleasure and material gain while releasing pains and heartaches. This work will pave the way to a higher collective vibration.
This month, we all need to practice self-love, in the deepest and most meaningful way. The world needs it. Let's face it: if we are not at peace with ourselves, how can the world be at peace? The macrocosm reflects the microcosm. We all have a responsibility in nurturing love inside ourselves, so that it may bloom, radiate and heal the whole. We are all related, energetically and through Spirit. What you do to yourself and the smallest amongst us, you do to the whole. Therefore choose Love. Not superficial love, the one that pleases the ego. Not lust. Real love from your heart and spirit centre. (Yes, it can include physical love, but not as an end to itself...).
Have fun this Valentine's Day. Remember to love and respect yourself first.
Robin Wood Tarot; John
Holland “The Psychic Tarot” |
For our spiritual growth this month, the Devil card invites us to release the bonds that keep us prisoners; we must understand that this is a prison of our own making, which we build with our thoughts and emotional attachments (3 of Swords). The Devil card invites us to explore the roots of our bondage – where do we feel constricted, stuck, enslaved? At the root of all these feelings of disempowerment, you will likely find fear. Name your fear and release it.
Regaining our personal power through releasing pain and heartbreak will be healing, and it is a major life lesson that we must learn. Empower yourself to explore your deep, buried or unconscious feelings. Challenge yourself to think, act and feel something new.
Three is a magical number, and this month’s reading is 3x3… It is the number of divine creativity, of karma, of completing cycles and lessons. It signifies abundance and self-expression. It is the number of the Holy Trinity. It is the formula completing many spells. Call upon all your spiritual helpers and guides this month to give you the strength to release your heartaches. With the 3 of Swords drawn twice, it will likely take a lot of strength and discipline to keep the mental focus to work through our spiritual assignments this month, without being distracted by the temptations of the seemingly easier material life.
Learn to embrace your fears, your mistakes and your doubts, for they are all learning experiences. Gaining the knowledge that the physical world teaches will help you transcend to a higher spiritual awareness. Life has a way of pushing us forward, and we must learn to trust our intuition and imagination even though we may not always know where it is leading us.
Keep up faith. The dark clouds will blow away.
Spiritual Assignments for this month
“I am embracing my role as divine co-creator. I create my freedom and my imprisonment through my own thoughts and emotions I therefore accept my responsibility in creating the life I want by releasing fears and negative thoughts and replacing them with positive and nurturing thoughts and habits.”
Where do you feel stuck, constricted or enslaved? Where are you “spellbound”? Is your work taking up all your time? Are you forgetting to play and have fun? Are you obsessed with sensual experiences and tend to indulge in the pleasures of life? Where in your life are you suffering from addictive behaviour, and what is the negative belief at its root? Do you feel your hard work is going unrecognized? Are the people, relationships, and events in your life giving you energy, or are they draining it?
- Visualize going to the root of your feelings of disempowerment. What is the hurt or the fear? Name it, and release it. Once you know what it is that holds you back from fully enjoying your life, it no longer holds you: you regain your power.
- Take a break from television, radio, and any source of negative news, including office gossip, movies, novels and relationships / situations that bring you down; this will help you stay focused on healing your heart.
- Use your creativity to envision your new reality from today onward. What is past is past; do not dwell on regrets, hurts, lost opportunities, or heartbreak. Imagine your new life as abundant, creative, and rejuvenated. What does it take for your soul to feel free? Take three steps this month toward your personal freedom and empowerment, and know that Universe will be multiplying your efforts and will work on your behalf to make your dreams come true – but first, you must envision this state in your heart and mind, and you must let go what holds you back. Here are a few ideas to help you:
- Create a vision board, and bless it everyday.
- Keep a gratitude journal.
- Ask for help in cutting karmic or etheric cords.
- Meditate /pray everyday, for a minimum of 3 minutes.
- Book a Reiki or intuitive coaching session to help you clarify and release your blocks.
I am sending you a lot of Love, and I pray that we can all feel the freedom and peace of divine Love within the innermost chambers of our hearts, and that we may learn to replicate this Love elsewhere in our daily life.