You are happily driving along, on holiday when the traffic stops suddenly. What do you do? Do you send curses and evil words to all these cars and drivers ahead, or do you take time for a quick restorative meditation, listening to your favourite music? You have the power to choose your words, emotions and energy...
Imagine this: the Throat Chakra is a very busy bridge between the divine source of life and Love, and your physical body. Circulation is intense but flowing. Then, ego's voice gets in the way and decides to send its own messages of fear. Divine communication and intuition officers see the bump in the road, and re-route traffic. But then there's an other bump, a gaping hole in the pavement, then an other. It's like every negative thought creates traffic havoc. The bridge is in disrepair on the lower heart-side of the bridge. Negative thoughts keep jack-hammering away at their side of the bridge with the belief that you are unworthy of the bridge which brings Love, divine guidance and intuition in your life. Soon, you can't even see the other side of the bridge for all the dust and destruction. Does this mean the other side does not exist anymore? Does this mean that Love can never get to you? Nothing is further from the truth.
Truth is, if you feel your bridge is in disrepair, you don't even have to work hard on rebuilding it; you simply have to allow yourself to put your destructive tools down (and that can be tough work in itself). Allow the divine communication and intuition officers to flow back in and rebuild this bridge with you. Once the dust settles, you will see the abundance of Love and divine guidance on the other shore, waiting to cross and come to you.
The traffic jam is your own doing - do you want to allow it to continue, or do you want to allow the flow to resume? The choice is yours, and you choose through your words.
Take a moment from your busy day, and breathe deeply.
Clear the traffic jam and the dust, and with each breath choose to reconnect to Source. When you hear ego's voice trying to get through, say: "Ha! I hear you and recognize you ego. I acknowledge the fear and hurt from which you are speaking, yet I choose loving words instead." Go so far as giving ego a traffic ticket - something along the line of for each ill word, speak three words of love. Keep it fun! :)
Here are a few affirmations to help you along the way:
- I speak from the heart and let the truth be my guide.
- I am worthy of Love.
- I am worthy of relaxing and enjoying life.
- Instead of trying to figure everything out, I allow God's grace to guide me and I trust my intuition.
- I use the power of words to make the world a better place.
- I choose to activate my highway of Love and Abundance.
The healthy and abundant divine circulation will soon resume, restoring joy and happiness in your life. Your main action is to Allow.
Happy trails!